We receive a lot of great feedback and feature requests from our Leafly users, but one suggestion comes up over and over again, prompting us to take action and build a new cannabis strain identifier tool. In the past few years, you asked (and asked…and asked) for a tool that would make every cannabis connoisseur’s life a lot easier:
“If you could take pictures of weed and have the app identify what strain it was”
“Be able to take pictures of da weed that you have and leafly tell you what it is”
“I wish you guys could have a photo search to try and find mystery strains!”
“Hey i really want to know what strain this is can i send you guys a pic 🙂 “
We at Leafly heard you loud and clear, and our Research and Development team put in the man hours to study the science of what you need. Today we’re excited to debut the result of those man hours: Leafly’s brand-new Marijuana Analysis Recognition Interpreter, or, as our team affectionately (and appropriately) refers to her, MARI.
Upload a photo of your mystery cannabis strain to MARI and she’ll analyze the image and cross-check it against our proprietary algorithm of sophisticated factors to determine which strain you actually have. Here’s a screenshot of MARI in action:

MARI is currently in beta mode, so check her out for yourself and let us know what you think!