Strains & products

Leafly’s Dirtiest, Most NSFW Cannabis Strains

Published on April 21, 2015 · Last updated November 30, 2022

The cannabis industry is well on its way to becoming a legitimate and respectable contributor to medicine, the economy, and popular culture in the United States. We’ve come a long way since the dawn of stoner stigmas, and Leafly’s primary goal is to promote worldwide acceptance of marijuana consumption beyond the usual stereotypes. But the market hasn’t always been as polished and PC as it is today, and we still have a lot of work to do.

Browse our database of strains and you’ll notice a few that stick out like sore thumbs amidst marketable monikers like Blue Dream, White Lotus, and Strawberry Kush. Some cannabis breeders are much less serious when it comes time to name their new genetic creation, and this list showcases the best of the worst – the dirtiest, the weirdest, the most NSFW strains in the history of cannabis.

1. Wet Dream

There are a ton of strains out there that induce severe horniness in some individuals (trust us, we read enough detailed and personal strain reviews to know). But, as far as we know, this sativa strain didn’t get its name from a night of magical, sexy, THC-fueled dreams. Wet Dream is just a cleverly named genetic cross between parent strains Blue Dream and Ocean Beach Haze.


The MILF strain was popularized by the Showtime series “Weeds” as the main character’s signature product, but it’s also a strain that exists in the real world. After hearing the way some growers talk about their “sexy ladies” in the garden, you might suspect that MILF was created by some dendrophiliac who gets off to marijuana plants nearing the end of their maturation cycle. Nope. It’s just a cheeky acronym for “Marijuana I’d Like to Flower.”

3. Purple Monkey Balls

The history of Purple Monkey Balls is, for the most part, shrouded in mystery. But if we were to guess how its birth story went, it probably went something like:

“Once upon a time, there lived a dude that thought poop jokes and penis cartoons were the best thing ever. One day while tending his pot garden, the dude noticed his plants blooming with large, round, purple buds covered in wiry orange pistil hairs. ‘How testicular and primate-like these are,’ he noted with impeccable perception. ‘…Purple Monkey Balls. Yes. Who wouldn’t smoke that?’ And it was so.”


WARNING: this strain contains somewhat hardcore levels of THC. Consumer discretion is advised. So yeah, this is a super potent indica strain that’s said to have aphrodisiac qualities, but take in too much XXX OG and you’re more likely to find yourself uselessly slumped on the couch than in the bedroom making sexy times.

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5. Dirty Girl

Not sure if people just expect arousal with a name like Dirty Girl, but there are enough horndog Leafly reviews to question the power of placebo. It’s easy to see Dirty Girl having a positive influence on the libido, though: the effects are energizing, functional, and just euphoric enough to turn a good night into a really, really, really ridiculously good night.

6. Alaskan Thunder Fuck

Despite having a name that would offend all those who keep a swear jar in their home, Alaskan Thunder Fuck remains a timeless classic that won’t be leaving the market any time soon. Some medical marijuana dispensaries abbreviate it to “ATF” on their menus to keep up appearances, but one might argue that this doesn’t provide fair warning of the thundering cerebral mindf*ck to come.

7. Asian Fantasy

Yeah, there’s no exciting back story to Asian Fantasy. Her name’s the only reason she’s on this list.

Have you come across any other cringe-tastic, dirty, or downright NSFW strains? Leave a comment with your favorites!

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Bailey Rahn
Bailey Rahn
Bailey is a senior content manager at Leafly, specializing in strains and health. She's spent 7+ years researching cannabis products, spreading patients’ stories, and exploring healthy ways of integrating cannabis into daily life.
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