Frosted Flakes

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About this brand

Logo for the brand Dawg Star
Dawg Star
Dawg Star Cannabis started almost 10 years ago on a snowboard trip to Whistler BC, well at least the idea. It was then that a group of friends decided to take their knowledge of growing and break into the cannabis industry.

Little did we know at the time, but we would have to go out and create a legal structure for the cannabis industry first. We started first to help patients get access to medical marijuana by opening one of the first medical clinics in WA.

Then we built one of the first cooperative grows and retail dispensaries in the state. Helping thousands of patients get safe access to medical marijuana.

Working with local patients, growers and dispensary owners, we established the C.C.S.E. to help bring about change within the cannabis community. We helped develop the collective garden model and worked legislators to create and implement I502, Washington’s recreational marijuana law.

Then we helped create Dope Magazine to inform the people and defend this amazing plant everywhere.

Finally, once i502 passed we decided to create DawgStar Cannabis. A cannabis brand that would be held to the highest level of standards. Taking all of our knowledge, Dawgstar would once again bring cannabis to the world.
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