Red Dragon
I heard the stories about this strain. I read the comments just the night before i smoke it. But low and behold, i am sitting on a couch. Not sitting, falling, i fall deeper and deeper into the conundrum below. But in reality i dont move. I breifly look up to see the atoms that make up the world we here live in. I look back to my phone, i can feel my brain searching through its recent memories to remeber what i was talking about. I feel the energy flow through my head. as i type it gets stronger and stronger. It is becoming increasingly harder to tipe. I am losing control. I have to close the message now i am running out of time left with primal bodily functions. But (a thought reaches my every expanding powerful brain) i have regained my ability to move. I have control. So, back to my story, i look into my phone and realize the fabrication of our idea of what truly is. We are not oursefs. What you thik you are is not truly you. Yo are yet a mere oraganism living inside of a skeleton. We are the reault of an inexplicably unlikely seires of events in nature. If one thing had changed just a coupld hundred million years ago ( which is not a long period of time in the grand scheme of thing) our brains would never exist. Therfore we would render “never to exist”. So take a second and think how unlikely our existince truly is. And as i ask you to think i upon myself. I wrote this tale as a message to those thinking to smoke or not to smoke the “RED DRAGON” and to that i say. Do it.