
member since 2019

Recent Reviews6 total


Ill start with the negative cause this is a decent nug but has a few caveats . I sourced my sample from SHelby county CS. The bud is "airy" was the term used in a positive way by the budtender. The buds are not dense. The container had 2 dominant smells one was a pleasant fruity bouquet and the other, when you crack a nug , is a strong musty cat piss smell. It smokes like low density nugs typically do. compressing it a bit makes a little bud pellet cause its sticky and seems to make it smoke as a more dense nug would. The airy-ness doesnt seem to be product of problems during grow its just fluffy nugs. Its Not really to big of a negative because there are not huge stems that ive found. Nugs smoke pretty well and leave a slightly more dense ash than normal. Got to dig it out of the hitter usually instead of tapping it out. Its a decent daytime indica , doesnt make me tired a bit, and has a sativa type eye buzz where you feel focused in . Definitely does not make me talkative which I think people around me enjoy after the green crack. Zero psychedelic effect . Zero couchlock for me. Zero paranoia No real uphoria Just chill mellow. Doesnt really make you stupid. Nice relaxing stress and anxiety reliever for me. First hit hits after about 15 seconds, Very light, low potency approach definitely a weak strain but this was sold to me as a low cost alternative. The cat piss smell takes over in your mouth after smoking. Fairly certain it gives ya cat pee breath. So bottom line? The effect of this nug is very chill, and quite relaxing. there is zero anxiety which is nice for people sensitive to sativas but it is noticeably weaker than my favorite strains (I guess people who havent experienced the psychedelic whammy that can be had will not perceive this to be weak, those that have , will). Its not 60 + and while it taste pretty much like cat pee after the fact while smoking it you get the fruity taste mostly. The cat pee taste is leaps and bounds better than the jellybelly vommit taste of gelato. Almost skunky, yet the high is considerably less potent. I dono i try to give you the kind of info i wish i had when i got it. I like the nug and will probably smoke it again because of its chill anxiety free effect even though it doesnt slap me in the face like my favs do but it also doesnt slap me in the wallet like they do.


Sourced my sample from goldleaf3.5g. The first thing I noticed was Three distinctly different buds. One super larfy light green nug that honestly smells like vomit. 50% of the package A medium green that smells like mint 30% And a nice dense purple nug that is kinda fruity. 20% The larfy green nug tasted like magmile , ultra dry with a slow approach but equally potent to the magmile I just had from the same grower. Felt this in the eyes. Im not even joking here, it smells like "jelly belly" vomit jellybean tastes. I didn't notice a taste, it just tasted dry like magmile. (Id rate this nug a 2star, Id smoke it for free) The medium nug tasted like mints. It was fleeting after exhale but distinct. It complimented the magmile like high from the first nug very well with a stronger head high than anything. My hands smell like mints after handling this nug. Very , extremely pleasant flavor / smell. (3.5 star, 40 or 50 /3.5g) The small purple nug has a medicinal effect. It was slow to settle in but once it did it was an extremely chill meditative effect. Seems to eliminate back spasms and pent up stress. (This is the nug that gets the 4 star ) Very calming, not so much couch lock but very chill and relaxed. Not talkative and hyper. No racing heart, probably a nug to try for people with heart conditions. Almost muscle relaxer feel to it. Solid 4 star morning / evening nugget. Definitely something to give a try. If it was consistently all the same nugs with out such an obvious difference in characteristics I would enjoy this more. Im kind of eager to see what comes of a second one. If its all purple nugs and this was a fluke, its worth it and is a favorite. I haven't smoked a shit ton of it, but i suspect between a fat bowl and 2 it would probably help insomnia too.

Green Crack

Bud structure = 5 Taste = 4.5 (i like more skunky but this is superb) Effect = 5 Trimming was clearly done with care. Hat Tip to Natures Grace for a quality nugget. Second purchase from this cultivator. Second time im very happy. So Ill start with the dislike cause there is only one. It gives me a bit of paranoia, I get the jitters like if i drink too much coffee. its not bad but reminds you that this is a sativa. It smokes fabulously showing care in the final months of cultivation . The head rush is almost immediately. Unlike hard hitting indicas that near instantly couchlock ya this gives ya a moment to ponder the flavor as it creeps on ya. All of the sudden you will be a bit more alert, and want to get stuff done. Weird thing I noticed about this strain is if i keep smoking it it ceases to motivate me and starts to act like an indica. I actually use this to get to sleep in a pinch. (the live sauce vape is particularly strong) I prefer the flower but the live sauce vape is particularly strong and asserts that kick in the nuts you might enjoy from the indica counterparts. It hits you as you exhale with the vape pen , not even giving you time to savor the taste before you get that "wow" rush. I am usually not a huge fan of sativas, but this is a superb day time blend that I will definitely keep around. 100 % lacks any psychedelic effect at any quantity. Paranoia scales with amount smoked , linearly.


This is a STELLAR strain my sample was sourced from pts. The smell is amazing. Makes you instantly smile. The taste is amazing. Nice instantly skunky flavor. The head rush is intense if your tolerance is low. If its high you still get the rush before exhaling. Either way this strain does the job . Overdoing it leads to a nap. ~insomnia squashed Its quite spiritual, Not even joking the high from this is nothing short of spiritual. It works well as an antidepressant. The high is extremely euphoric . Over do it and manage to stay awake and you are in for an experience that makes it worth every penny a premium nug commands. I would smoke nothing but this strain if I could, with maybe a lighter sativa or even magmile for a early day alternative. It is easy to get caught up in the journey and get nothing done. This is genuinely medicine, and out of stock. Ive considered not reviewing this and keeping the secret, but when this went legal, I thought supply issues were a thing of the past. Hopefully we can encourage pts to keep pumping this stuff out in proper volume we dont need to go with out. So there it is , hands down with out question the best smoke I have found yet.

Alien Bubba

Cresco sourced 1/2 Nice buds, looks like it could be decent. Trimming was subpar. Leaves all over the place. The kind of thing you open it and immediately sigh because you know good nugs arent treated like this. Taste was average to below average. Smell is average, common. not really skunky. It didn't get me high like I was hoping. Others with low tolerance might like it for an every day smoke / blunt / joint stuff. For me the first time I smoked I kinda sorta got high but after that smoking it didnt really do anything more. Smoking a shit ton of it .... just makes my throat sore. It seemed I was chasing after that medicated feeling I was after but never going to get there. What was more disappointing was the jar had alien bubba sticker directly over bio jesus sticker. Not sure exactly how that happens. I wanna believe it being legal means less risk of shady stuff happening. At the end of the day the packaging prohibited seeing the product it was opaque white , making this uncertainty possible. Did cresco just reuse a large number of cans putting boveda in to re-hydrate it and try to sell old stock or was it something more nefarious. Its packaged such its really close to impossible to know. Lesson learned. The irony is this package came with a boveda to keep it at the proper RH. More premium stuff lacked this quality assurance device. This really makes me think this stuff might have been a I will say a patient with substantially lower tolerance got destroyed and enjoyed this stuff. It ultimately looked the part , but lacked the smell, the taste, and the potency to reach the 'id smoke it ' level of three. This nug tasted like regret. The only thing I saw it treating was an overfilled bank account.

Magnificent Mile

I want to be clear, I enjoy this strain it was hard between a 3 and a 4. Here is my scale. 5Star (60) = First hit gives you that wave of well being, sleeping by the time you finish a bowl. hallucinogenic if you manage to continue. Good taste, good smell, for indica good ko punch. 4Star (50-30) = same as above but lacking ko punch 3Star (30) = Strong but lacking good taste / smell 2Star =(20) lacking strength 1Star = that time in school where someone handed you a bag of dandelion leaves The budz look beautiful. They are rich dark purple and dense. They burn to a nice white ash. (rapidly) Cons: its super dry taste even thru a bong it burned unexpectedly quick probably because it was super dry, and the fact it lacked ko power/couch lock and instead smoked more like a sativa than the hard hitting indica I was hoping for. Overall, I think its not a bad strain to mix with genetically, or as an everyday indica strain. Like Something a straight indica smoker would smoke early in the day so they can get stuff done. I would need to modify this a bit if they just gave me an old stock and it really taste how the house smelled when I got home that would have made it more enjoyable.