
member since 2014

Recent Reviews2 total

White Rhino

A really good chill-out strain. I find that this is a good go to for people who are stressed, upset, angry, depressed and particularly for insomnia. Otherwise it's also pretty nice for relaxing after work with a movie, but the one issue I consistently run into with it is the regular crash about 1.5 hours in. I get this crappy feeling feeling in my face (pressure at the bridge of the nose, heavy eyelids, etc), and find it hard to focus on anything. I have no motivation to do anything and usually end up just passing out for a bit. Day time smoking is a bit better, but I still usually feel the need to take a nap. It differs from a regular couch-lock in that it's very groggy rather than just super-relaxed. I've tried combatting this issue with caffeine to no avail. It keeps me awake longer, but I still feel bored and groggy towards the end. Don't get me wrong, it's not really an unpleasant feeling, just disappointing for someone wanting something more uplifting and arousing. Based upon this experience, I'd say it's excellent for medicinal purposes, particularly for those involving psychological illnesses (depression, burn-out, anxiety). For recreational purposes, it's fine for social events that keep your attention, but for lone smoking you'll just pass out within an hour or two. Note: I am certain I had legitimate quality White Rhino, as it was medical from a dispensery .

White Rhino

Very potent body high; has a distinct headspace and tingling limbs. Very mellow, groovy mood. Great anti-depressant. Does dull cognition somewhat, but it doesn't incapacitate. Note that it feels very harsh on the lungs, even when vaporized I feel the strong need to cough. The taste is not really that agreeable, but it's not nasty.