
member since 2022

Recent Reviews2 total

Ain't One

I only had a little bit of it a couple of times and it was a while ago, but I remember this - it got me stoned. I didn't have to sit around and wait for it either. What I also liked about it was that while I felt absolutely stoned, I could think logically. A bit of an oxymoron, I know, but one that I like, pertaining to leaf. I have a LOT of medical problems (which I'm not going to list here), and I didn't feel any of them as soon as the Ain't One hit, so I'd also say that its good for pain in general. I'm always looking for it, so obviously I liked it a whole lot. If you haven't tried it, perhaps you want to give it a try - if for nothing else the fact that it works so quickly.

Lemon Skunk

This is my first ever weed review. But there's something amazing about this strain that I just had to mention. I've had a bad case of fibromyalgia since 1998. For some reason, this winter, its been acting up worse than it has in over a decade. Add to that, extreme arthritis throughout my spine, hands, etc., and other pain problems, all of which have been exacerbating my depression. This Lemon Skunk not only hits really fast, but kills all that pain - ESPECIALLY the fibromyalgia! Nothing has EVER killed the pain of fibromyalgia before. I've been on some pretty wicked pain killers for years and all they do is take the edge off. Drinking helps, but I really can't and don't want to do that all the time. This Lemon Skunk relaxes me and calms me, my muscles, and my brain down, and the next thing I know, I really don't hurt much at all unless provoked. While I eventually get a good sleep on it, unfortunately, (or not, I guess it depends on what you're looking for,) it definitely does not PUT me to sleep. On the other hand, it doesn't make me temporarily any smarter either, because I'm not capable of performing any tasks that require thinking. When I say it relaxes me, I mean it relaxes ALL of me, but keeps me awake. And, while the powerful impact doesn't last very long, it continues to operate at a lower rate (pain control and relaxation) for at LEAST a couple of hours As far as taste and smell go, I don't really detect any lemon, but other than that, all I can say is that I've always loved all tastes and all smells of flower, so I'm no connoisseur when it comes to that. I've never met a flower that I didn't enjoy the smell of and I can't honestly say that anything stands out to me here.