
member since 2020

Recent Reviews1 total


The effects of chemdog were felt immediately. My body felt heavy and relaxed. There was mild pain relief - when I say that, know that I have two bad knees, one has been replaced and one needs replacing; just had shoulder surgery four weeks ago; takes pain killers and muscle relaxers daily; and I am generally in continuous pain all day, everyday. So when I say mild pain relief, I mean I noticed a difference, which is awesome!! It made me very cerebral and nostalgic. I got lost in my head and memories. I felt creative, like I wanted to paint or draw or write or design some shit, but I was too busy thinking it out in my head. The high lasted a while and I took only three hits from my pipe. The only negative I have to say is that it didn’t have a great taste - very earthy and diesel. All in all though, a great high and good medicinal qualities would lead me to come back for more!!