
member since 2016

Recent Reviews2 total

Bruce Banner

I am sad to say that Bruce Banner and I just did not get along. I am a lightweight, so I try to take it easy with a new strain, but after two hits of this I was completly, mind numbingly baked. Two grams did last me a long time because I could only consume it in such small doses. I just sat there, feeling completly floaty and spaced out. I could only focus on one thing at a time, and that thing was usually food. my husband said I reminded him of that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where the guy's face melts off. It was definitly intense, but not always in the most pleasant way. I felt like I had been Hulk smashed.


This strain is really some incredible stuff. The smell of it is pungent and savory, and so damn good I kept wandering back to it just to stick my nose in the bag. I've never tasted anything like it either. Actually the flavor was a little unpleasant during the first hit, but it's started to grow on me. It wouldn't matter if this stuff tasted like limburger, however, because it was just so much fun. I smoked little bit to start, and was left feeling happy, relaxed, and chatty, but still fairly focused and mentally energized. My second session with this I smoked a little more and the couch lock started to kick in. I started to feel very sleepy and heavy. I settled down for an amazing nights sleep and woke up feeling completly refreshed the next morning, which is pretty unusual for me. All in all a great way to spend an evening. I would be careful with this during the day, because you might find yourself sprawled out on the couch binge watching your favorite TV show, or taking a nap, but you'll definitely be one happy couch critter. Just make sure you have plently of water nearby, becuase the cotton mouth is real with this strain.