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This specific batch was soaked in yellow trichomes with ripe hearty florets. Visually, O.G. Kush can be noted with Sour Diesel, 'edges'. Aroma: chocolate, earthy, lemon, piney, moss. Liken to Gorilla Glue. Taste: 'alpha-limonene emphasized Gorilla Glue'. Smooth initially followed by TRPV- and the like-; chocolate moss exhale. Results: starting with mild relaxation, then an uplift [≈ 0.5 - 0.667 cups of standard coffee/3 combust inhalations]. Progressive increase in efficacy ['happy', 'relaxed', 'euphoric', 'numb', 'calm'] is slow; wait 30 minutes after to assess. Good duration [≈1 hour +/combust inhalation when guaged and paced]. The head, 'band': post-wait and with increased intake. *Note: avoid for headaches [migraine and tension specifically]; tension headaches can go without the help of a, 'headband'. Vascular dyssynergies and dissonance with nerve firings [as in migraines] may fare better without a, 'headband'. *WARNING: increased intracranial pressure is a, 'relative' or, 'full' contraindication? Mainstay for rec. in the midst. Overall: 7.5+/10. Would I purchase again: by ounces. Recommend to Connoisseurs and Sommeliers: some possibility [common, known]; more for lineage. Recommend to first-time and inexperienced-consumers? Yes: extended duration and gradual progression.

Tangie Land #5

This strain is from Emerald Haze in Renton, WA. The producer is Doc Croc, so the perspective being offered is for this batch of this strain from this cultivar. As this was a formal store I went to, I’ll evaluate that as well. Store: Awesome. It was well laid-out and had friendly staff that were constantly taking note of all customers in the store as well as ensuring proper logistics. Overall, the business was a very well running and established institution, and the staff there only made the experience more welcoming and inviting. Appearance: an eighth of this flower comes in a pre-packaged bag. This actually seems to ensure the freshness of the flower, including some of the smaller budlets, better and seems to keep trichomes slightly more intact when pre-packaged as such. Yes, even bagging has its advantages over jars: jars enable the buds to shake around and move even if slightly. A bag may, ‘press’ the flowers, but they don’t shake or move (when sealed vacuum/air tight/’properly’). The flowers were bright green with yellow trichomes coating the buds. Orange pistils are present throughout the flower and appear healthy. By healthy, I mean that if you examine the flowers closely, you’ll notice that this batch was on its way towards abolishing the presence of pistils altogether. It wasn’t quite there but definitely on its way. Textures are more along the lines of dense Sativa, ‘buds’. Pretty flowers. First word that comes to mind at initial view: ‘keefy’. Smell: tangerines clearly permeate through initially followed by skunk and then the woody-pepperiness associated with many Sativas including high potency and efficacy varieties. Pleasant to the palate and something that, by my understanding, maybe more, ‘mature’ or possibly, and I’ll say this directly, ‘older’ individuals may be able to appreciate? Taste: tangerines heavily both on inhalation and exhalation with a hint of skunk. There is a clear sensation of THC within you on inhalation with a creamy wisp of tangerine with a hint of skunk on exhalation. Smooth but not in the sense of lacking in potency or efficacy. Effects: Sativa both on head and body in a notable manner and for a good duration. During intake and immediately afterwards, one may feel more of a racy sensation which then progresses into an uplifting, focused, attuned and relaxed experience. This strain is excellent for those seeking something different, is clearly good for pain relief and wonderful for those who have an extended work-shift and looking to intake beforehand. It augments productivity. Overall: again, I personally gave this two thumbs up because it was a well-grown strain that had a nice profile and good duration. Would I buy this strain again? By the ounce. Recommend to Connoisseurs and/or Sommeliers? Definitely. They’ll understand where I’m coming from in terms of terpene and Cannabinoid profile. Recommend to first-timers and/or inexperienced consumers? Yes.

Granddaddy Purple

This is a strain that is so widespread with so many phenotypes that I will review the most common type I’ve had even if that may not be the strongest or the best phenotype I’ve had. They grow a lot of this in Texas as it is a strain that is quite acclimated to the climate and conditions both indoor and outdoor in the region south and southwest of Houston. Many Pakistani and Afghani strains fare extremely well out here including in outdoor environments. The result is a plethora of phenotypes of this strain with certain variations being more common and occurring more frequently than others. Appearance: variable; can range from dark purple to light purple to completely green (no purple). There are orange stigmas present with regularity along with a dusting of white trichomes with a small percentage being yellowish. This is definitely some dense flower bud that has full rounded floret clusters that provide for a, ‘chunky’ appearance. In terms of tactile sensation, this can vary as well: I’ve had phenotypes that were sticky, that were trichome-laden, that were both and that were neither (yet that flower bud was still at least up to the standard, average GDP). Note: the best GDP I ever had was completely green (no purple). Smell: definitely linalool and myrcene present. There is a mild skunkiness that is put out occasionally by these flower buds which may spread an aroma into an area, but this may not necessarily occur. The traditional smell of, ‘purple’ shines through, and I would consider this strain as one of the more, ‘baseline’ strains secondary to its widespread and persistent availability over the course of the years. Hence, this smell is more of a, ‘characteristic’ or, ‘signature’ sort of template upon which other later strains have their aromatic profiles based on. There is definitely the smell of honey present as well, and some varieties have a clear aroma of CBD present whereas others do not seem to possess this trait so much or at all. Taste: the first word that comes to mind on the initial intake – purple. There may be a harshness and slight kick to the throat on inhalation as well as exhalation. Personally, I cannot vouch so much for the taste of this flower upon inhalation or exhalation of the combusted fumes. It comes off as an earthy, nutty and savory umami taste, with the purple flavor, that just gives one a sense of having had bitten into a chicken breast or a tender, light steak. I think… I prefer something else for the profile of my combusted Cannabis fumes… (not a fan of the taste of meat mixed with purple-variety Cannabis when partaking in a flower meant to highlight aromatic floral high-quality vegetation). Note again: that best GDP I ever had that was all green? Tasted like linalool with a light skunkiness as opposed to the harsher, more earthy and umami GDPs that are commonly available. Effect: the immediate effect is calming. There may be a little bit of raciness initially while intaking, but this can be transient and may be attributable to the THC content (or activating variations thereof). Further intake segués into clear body relaxation with onset of numbing effects and potentially mental clearing. Heavier doses can endow one with a sense of even deeper relaxation, more marked numbness in the body and possibly head, alterations in time perception (which some people have attributed to INCREASED work efficiency – hm, is this why Texas grows so much of this?) and the ability to fall asleep faster and easier. I avoid other terminology as this is, honestly, not necessarily the strongest strain I’ve ever had. Overall: tired of this strain. Yes, it has many beneficial and therapeutic effects, but I’ve just had too much, and the average GDP is, well, not really that strong unless it is a specific phenotype or cared for as Craft Cannabis. I’m not against this strain, but whenever this is the only option as per the procurers’ availability of stock I’ve had access to in the recent years, I’m typically disappointed. Would I buy this strain again? You’ve gotta’ have one hell of a phenotype to catch my attention… Recommend to Connoisseurs and Sommeliers? For a specific condition or purpose. Otherwise, no. Recommend to first-timers and/or inexperienced consumers? Absolutely. Go ham with this one. You could plough through an eighth of this with one or two other people, even if novice, and still be in complete control even if relaxed, calm and amenable towards initiating sleep (I don’t know about maintaining sleep as certain times I myself, and maybe others, may have woken up earlier in the morning than expected; effects on stage 3 and stage 4 vs. R.E.M. sleep?).

Thin Mint

Upon arrival to the procurer’s establishment, I had a choice between this strain and White Berry. I did a review on the White Berry before; this time, I stuck mostly to Thin Mint GSC. Initial appearance: coated, just coated. This makes the underlying green tones appear lighter than they really are secondary to the whitishness induced by the trichome coverage (essentially all pure white stalks and heads). There are still gradations between some darker spots with a lighter backdrop and very sparse orange stigmas. The texture is nice and firm but not anything considered excessively dense; it falls in the spectrum of the density of many common Cannabis strains. One may find these flower buds keefy (‘trichome-laden’) to feel and sticky after 2 - 3 pinches of manual grinding by hand. There are occasional tinges of purple, and the calyx tips point upwards and form almost spike-like florets that are still thick and can aggregate into the floral, vegetative mass of bud (‘spike-like’ = Durban; ‘aggregate’ = O.G.) Smell: initially, straight up dough like the original GSC but with a mint tone to it. Definitely something that reminds one of sweet biscuits (in a non-Cannabis sense), and repeated wafts, including to repeated and first-time exposures (such as in repeatedly closing and opening the jar), reveal further accents to this strain including skunkiness and, if really looking for it, a dark-chocolate scent that can, at least mildly, resemble actual Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies. In the midst of all this, the Durban smell that can be likened to marjoram (or some component thereof) clearly stands out and shines through as about 30 – 50% of what I smelled (and smell). WARNING: WILL FILL UP ROOM/AREA WITH SKUNK FLOWER BUD AROMA! Taste: dough, dough, dough. It tastes like dough with that slight mintiness that’s there in mojito on inhalation. While holding in an inhalation, the skunky and sweet tones become more pronounced on the tongue, and right before exhalation, one can find the taste of that dark chocolate with the dough, sweetness and mild to moderate mintiness. Coughing may occur, but this is due purely to the quality of this flower and can be detected by consumers as a, ‘clean’ sensation (literally). Effect: I’ve complained quite a bit in the past about GSC because, honestly, I haven’t been a fan of Durban in the past prior to ever trying GSC, and the original GSC definitely has a pronounced Durban component. This strain, however, I wholly approve of. The phrase, ‘upgraded Durban’ was a conclusion I ultimately came to. It seems a little more balanced to me and actually lends a characteristic that allows the Durban component to actually shine through in a way that may not be recognized otherwise. One way to describe this: the uplifting effect of Durban takes on the body with maintained Indica effect which eventually all segués into full-on, head-and-body, relaxation, calming and numbing effects that are of notable intensity. One thing I DEFINITELY appreciated about this strain (and the reason why, as I type this, I changed my rating from 4 to 5 stars): the length-of-duration can be long with this strain. One 0.15 – 0.2 gram bowl out of a glass chillum, when cleaned and properly flowing, endows a sensation that can last at least 2.5 to 3 hours. Larger quantities endow even longer durations of effect(s). Small quantities: immediate cerebral rush but Indica component definitely present hence uniquely, ‘balanced’ even if one may be taken aback. Moderate quantities: heaviness, slowing down, couchlock. Large quantities: waves of alternating cerebral euphoria , arousal to the extent of full wakefulness and heavy, intense, relaxing, ‘calms’. A hallmark characteristic: a sense of well-being. Small quantities intaken leave no sense of fatigue or tiredness. Moderate to large quantities may do so some hours after intake. ***NOTE: one characteristic of this strain, for me, is that it can increase the appetite quite a bit, and it seemed to be a better idea to supplant this, 'hunger' with just water as eating can drastically decrease the effect/sensations endowed by this strain. That is why, by my understanding, this is one of those strains that became such a popular mainstay: people can work on it and live a productive life with a full-schedule while maintaining a solid-intensity Indica that does have a good duration-of-action as well, and eating food can allow one to selectively, 'remove' the components of psychoactivity/mental euphoria or changes in consciousness states thereof while maintaining other selected benefits such as for lower back pain, other body aches and spasms (at minimum). Another thought that came to mind (in the context of Leafly's, 'Cannabinoid Week'): is this, 'hunger' with this strain specifically related to actual hunger or a mimic of certain actions of the endogenous hormone ghrelin? It may just be the batch I have, but I also feel some small spurts occasionally of, 'anti-hunger' in-line with THCV. You get the benefits of maintaining those, 'hunger pathways' (which can include but go beyond genetic stabilization) without actually, 'needing' to intake food? A complex strain which definitely had some thought put into breeding it, which is why... Overall: I put this on my list of Favorite Strains. Solid. (*thumb up*) Would I buy this again? Yes! (By the kilo? Hm… [*scratching chin*]) Recommend to Connoisseurs and Sommeliers? I’m pretty sure they’ve had this by this point, but sure, let’s say yes. Recommend to first-timers and/or inexperienced consumers? Yes.

Thin Mint

Upon arrival to the procurer’s establishment, I had a choice between this strain and White Berry. I did a review on the White Berry before; this time, I stuck mostly to Thin Mint GSC. Initial appearance: coated, just coated. This makes the underlying green tones appear lighter than they really are secondary to the whitishness induced by the trichome coverage (essentially all pure white stalks and heads). There are still gradations between some darker spots with a lighter backdrop and very sparse orange stigmas. The texture is nice and firm but not anything considered excessively dense; it falls in the spectrum of the density of many common Cannabis strains. One may find these flower buds keefy (‘trichome-laden’) to feel and sticky after 2 - 3 pinches of manual grinding by hand. There are occasional tinges of purple, and the calyx tips point upwards and form almost spike-like florets that are still thick and can aggregate into the floral, vegetative mass of bud (‘spike-like’ = Durban; ‘aggregate’ = O.G.) Smell: initially, straight up dough like the original GSC but with a mint tone to it. Definitely something that reminds one of sweet biscuits (in a non-Cannabis sense), and repeated wafts, including to repeated and first-time exposures (such as in repeatedly closing and opening the jar), reveal further accents to this strain including skunkiness and, if really looking for it, a dark-chocolate scent that can, at least mildly, resemble actual Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies. In the midst of all this, the Durban smell that can be likened to marjoram (or some component thereof) clearly stands out and shines through as about 30 – 50% of what I smelled (and smell). WARNING: WILL FILL UP ROOM/AREA WITH SKUNK FLOWER BUD AROMA! Taste: dough, dough, dough. It tastes like dough with that slight mintiness that’s there in mojito on inhalation. While holding in an inhalation, the skunky and sweet tones become more pronounced on the tongue, and right before exhalation, one can find the taste of that dark chocolate with the dough, sweetness and mild to moderate mintiness. Coughing may occur, but this is due purely to the quality of this flower and can be detected by consumers as a, ‘clean’ sensation (literally). Effect: I’ve complained quite a bit in the past about GSC because, honestly, I haven’t been a fan of Durban in the past prior to ever trying GSC, and the original GSC definitely has a pronounced Durban component. This strain, however, I wholly approve of. The phrase, ‘upgraded Durban’ was a conclusion I ultimately came to. It seems a little more balanced to me and actually lends a characteristic that allows the Durban component to actually shine through in a way that may not be recognized otherwise. One way to describe this: the uplifting effect of Durban takes on the body with maintained Indica effect which eventually all segués into full-on, head-and-body, relaxation, calming and numbing effects that are of notable intensity. One thing I DEFINITELY appreciated about this strain (and the reason why, as I type this, I changed my rating from 4 to 5 stars): the length-of-duration can be long with this strain. One 0.15 – 0.2 gram bowl out of a glass chillum, when cleaned and properly flowing, endows a sensation that can last at least 2.5 to 3 hours. Larger quantities endow even longer durations of effect(s). Small quantities: immediate cerebral rush but Indica component definitely present hence uniquely, ‘balanced’ even if one may be taken aback. Moderate quantities: heaviness, slowing down, couchlock. Large quantities: waves of alternating cerebral euphoria , arousal to the extent of full wakefulness and heavy, intense, relaxing, ‘calms’. A hallmark characteristic: a sense of well-being. Small quantities intaken leave no sense of fatigue or tiredness. Moderate to large quantities may do so some hours after intake. ***NOTE: one characteristic of this strain, for me, is that it can increase the appetite quite a bit, and it seemed to be a better idea to supplant this, 'hunger' with just water as eating can drastically decrease the effect/sensations endowed by this strain. That is why, by my understanding, this is one of those strains that became such a popular mainstay: people can work on it and live a productive life with a full-schedule while maintaining a solid-intensity Indica that does have a good duration-of-action as well, and eating food can allow one to selectively, 'remove' the components of psychoactivity/mental euphoria or changes in consciousness states thereof while maintaining other selected benefits such as for lower back pain, other body aches and spasms (at minimum). Another thought that came to mind (in the context of Leafly's, 'Cannabinoid Week'): is this, 'hunger' with this strain specifically related to actual hunger or a mimic of certain actions of the endogenous hormone ghrelin? It may just be the batch I have, but I also feel some small spurts occasionally of, 'anti-hunger' in-line with THCV. You get the benefits of maintaining those, 'hunger pathways' (which can include but go beyond genetic stabilization) without actually, 'needing' to intake food? A complex strain which definitely had some thought put into breeding it, which is why... Overall: I put this on my list of Favorite Strains. Solid. (*thumb up*) Would I buy this again? Yes! (By the kilo? Hm… [*scratching chin*]) Recommend to Connoisseurs and Sommeliers? I’m pretty sure they’ve had this by this point, but sure, let’s say yes. Recommend to first-timers and/or inexperienced consumers? Yes.

Dank of England O.G.

This strain I am evaluating I came across at Voyagers Coffeeshop in Amsterdam. Initial inspection: looks almost exactly like the original O.G. Kush. The overall hue may be a little darker, but other than that, there seemed to be no difference between this strain and the original O.G.. The buds were nice, tight and covered in a whitish and yellowish frost. Orange stigmas were quite sparse and rarely present on this one with one or two yellow ones seen (as the original). These were definitely some full buds that have the texture of O.G. Kush on tactile inspection. Smell: this is the most terpene-rich strain of O.G. I have ever smelled in my life. My nostrils and entire brain flung backwards, literally, upon the initial whiff of this strain in its source container. Loud, definitely. The smell itself can be characterized as being exactly like the original O.G. but much deeper in all of its notes: heavier skunkiness, more pronounced limonene, sharper pine-scent., deeper vegetative matter smell. The skunkiness and vegetative matter smell are quite heavy in this strain and provide for a very strong characteristic profile. Taste: the skunkiness and vegetative matter along with the limonene and background pine. Inhalation brings on a slight sharpness in the throat which can clearly be detected by the consumer as, ‘elevated terpene content’. Exhalation leaves the flavor/aroma mentioned heavily coated on the palate and in all airspaces in the head. You will literally be able to taste this strain all throughout your head and into your throat and lungs as well as the flavor and aroma lingers for an extended period after intake. Effect: I felt like it was exactly the same as original O.G. – a hybrid that is slightly more Indica but has an uplifting, cerebral Sativa effect even if noticeably less than the Indica component. Relaxing, calming, definitely something worthy of discussion in a group setting (the profile definitely sparks conversation). Overall: it was alright. To me, it is a version of original O.G. with terpene concentrations boosted. Probably good for those who like, ‘loud’ and terpene-rich strains. May not be so good for those who choose to avoid such strains. I did mention this - you feel the terpenes’ sharpness on inhalation. This strain does spark up conversations and turn heads though. Would I buy it again? Possibly. They have other good strains at Voyagers as well, so it’d depend on what they have available at the moment of consideration. Recommend to Connoisseurs and Sommeliers? I’d tell them about it, but I honestly don’t know if I’d particularly put in effort to, ‘sell them’ on the strain. Recommend to first-timers and/or inexperienced users? Yes. You will get a good idea of Cannabis terpenes for future reference.

Silver Strawberry

This strain I am evaluating from Boerejongens Centrum Coffeeshop in Amsterdam. Upon entering the shop, I waited in line as I noticed it was completely packed in there. Once I approached the counter, my initial selection was Gorilla Anamone Kush. Unfortunately, they were down to the bottom of the container, so I asked for the Silver Strawberry. They were actually out of that one as well, but the budtender pulled out the reserve stash for this strain, so I got a choice, primo one gram budlet off of an entire quarter ounce flower bud. Appearance: FAT crystals. One can very easily visualize every single trichome head (all milky white with clear stalks – perfectly cured bud that was fresh out of the vacuum-sealed source bag). Very light green with average amount of orange hairs that were a healthy, brownish orange color. The overall bud architecture can be likened to, ‘conelike’ with rounded individual florets and calyces as those that are quite common in mainstream Sativas. Manual grinding allows one to appreciate just how trichome-laden this flower is as I recall having to scoop the trichomes from breakdown of this strain into the joint using a card. Smell: literally exactly as one would expect - Silver Haze with strawberries. At times, the flower bud may put out a mild pleasant skunkish aroma, but the overall fragrance of this flower would definitely be recognizable even by those less experienced. Floral silver strawberryish. Taste: lol, again, exactly as the name would imply - Silver Haze mixed with strawberries. There is a note of herbalness on both inhalation and exhalation with a definite kick and slight harshness on inhalation. Exhalation leaves the sense of Sativa-herbalness with a mild woodiness paired with Silver strawberries. Effects: this is one for immediate early morning. I was going to order a cup of coffee, but I was literally so activated after about a third of a gram of this flower that I didn’t need any caffeine. It is a racy and zoney strain. You may find yourself in extremely creative, introspective, extrospective, meditative and social frames of mind (all simultaneously). It is definitely a unique strain that may not top the charts on sheer, ‘punch-in-the-face’ intensity but is such a unique experience that I would definitely think this is something Connoisseurs and Sommeliers may be able to appreciate moreso than those looking for just the classic, ‘Kush-style’ effect. This is definitely what can be considered as, ‘buzzing’, ‘uplifting’, ‘activating’ and ‘lightening’. Overall: I liked this one. It was something a bit different than what I typically come across and am used to, but I definitely am able to see the beauty in this strain even if I, personally, wouldn’t particularly go out of my way for it. Silver Strawberry may be a good one to pick up if you wanted to have a cup of coffee and Cannabis as it may obviate the necessity for the cup of coffee. Would I buy this strain again? Yes. Recommend to Connoisseurs and Sommeliers? Yes. Recommend to first-timers and/or inexperienced consumers? Up to you, personal preference. Those who tend to partake only occasionally may not find this strain, ‘suitable’ for their occasional experience(s) as the focus is moreso on the characteristic uniqueness of the end effect(s).

Hawaiian Ice

On a personal level, I am the type of individual that tends to prefer Indicas or, at most, hybrids. Sativas, especially milder and, 'airier' varieties, tend to fall by the wayside in my choice of selections. This Sativa, however... was just something else altogether. Appearance: that of GreenHouse Seed's Hawaiian Snow essentially with the whitish, frostiness of their Alaskan Ice strain and very bright light green with sparse, very thin light orange stigmas with a few yellow ones (trait present in Hawaiian Snow parent). These are extremely trichome-laden flower buds that leave macroscopically-visible trails of keef along all the surfaces they come into contact with (mostly whitish, some clear and some yellow). The calyceal structure is more rounded and circular than many other flowers I've come across. This plays into the firmness of the overall flower bud as this strain can be classified as one of the, 'dense bud' Sativas. I would consider this to be some of the more, ‘eye-catching’ flowers I have across and would definitely recommend placing this particular strain on show/display. Smell: heavy as the Hawaiian Snow with the classic, ‘caramelized onion’ aroma that Franco described in their grow videos. The tropical freshness of this strain comes through but is masked moreso than pure Hawaiian Snow by the floral, woody, spiciness of the Alaskan Ice parent. Both combine to create an extremely unique aroma that can fill an entire roomspace. In such instances, the first word that comes to mind is, ‘Hawaiian’ with, ‘Skunk’ to a milder extent. Taste: intense flavor of caramelized onions with the tropical essence/’zing’ of the Hawaiian background and floral notes of the Alaskan Ice on inhalation. This strain definitely expands in the chest and has a tickle in the throat that is not, ‘harsh’ but can clearly be attributed to the Cannabinoid and terpene composition. Exhalation lightly maintains the caramelized onion flavor with the woodiness of the Alaskan Ice persisting on the tip of the tongue. Effect: I am willing to attest to this with literal proof from at least one other person who experienced the same effect I am about to describe - this strain… can make you see beyond the normal dimensional contours your eyes are used to perceiving as, ‘baseline geometric dimensionality’. This can manifest as visualization of rounded contours and edges along dimensional surfaces which are normally, ‘ignored’ or, ‘unperceived’. The effects are immediate, powerful and can be described as a, ‘strong rush’ at first onset. Some individuals may need to sit down on partaking as this rush can be intense and incite dizziness as well as sweating (which can accompany coughing in-line with the Cannabinoid concentrations). This sensation spreads throughout the body and provides the, ‘lightening’-type of pain relief offered by Sativas in contrast to that provided by Indicas. Continued intake proceeds the sensations into sheer euphoria, relaxation, inattention, calmness and bliss. Small quantities – pronounced, racy, ‘Sativa’ effect. Moderate quantities – more body effect, further calming of mental processes. Heavy quantities – relaxed, inattentive, tingling sedation. Overall: best Sativa and one of the top 5 contenders of flower strains I’ve had in my life. This strain has deeply impacted my perception of the Universe and life. I can firmly attest to this notion: I am a different man as a result of this strain. Best Sativa I’ve ever had. Would I buy it again? By the kilogram. Recommend to Connoisseurs and Sommeliers? Yes! Absolutely! Recommend to first-timers and/or inexperienced consumers? Yes.

Pure Kush

The Pure Kush I am evaluating I picked up from GreenHouse Centrum in Amsterdam, so that is the perspective this is based on. When I asked to see this strain, on immediate inspection there were smaller to medium-sized buds with specks of dark green on a whitish light-green background with very few orange stigmas. I smelled it, and that is what sealed the deal (aside from the fact that it was the most premium flower they had on their menu). On closer visual inspection, I came to appreciate just how intricate this flower was. The first word that came to mind was, ‘delicate’ when considering the overall texture and character of this strain (or at least the batch I had). These were very soft flower buds that left trails of glistening trichomes everywhere they came into contact and were slightly dense, but still soft, and definitely sticky upon some seconds into manually grinding the flowers. Smell: pure… Kush. It has a smell that is, indeed, reminiscent of something that is the very bare backbone of all the Kush strains out there. Sweet, floral, creamy, nutty, spicy, incensy, peppery, very lightly like lavender and wood, the profile of this flower strain is complex yet offers a true expression of an aroma that can clearly be called a, ‘parent’ strain of all other Kushes even if this is merely the result of similarity of cellular/genetic aspects between strains leading to phenotypic similarities and overlap as opposed to an actual closer, familial genetic relation that can be mapped with respect to reasoning incorporating, ‘family size’ (i.e., coincidence vs. the result of being closely connected on a genetic lineage diagram). This is definitely what can be considered as an, ‘Original’. Taste: Kush, Kush, Kush: floral and sweet with a notable pungency and a mild hint of pine. Smooth, rich, full-bodied and pleasurable to inhale for sure – this is when some of the softness and creaminess comes through onto the palate, throat and down the airway. There is a definite kick on inhalation telling you this is notable flower being intaken. Exhalation highlights the creaminess and smoothness with floral notes and secondary sweetness with pungency. Effects: relaxing, calming, clean, full, deep, fully permeating, intense and persisting euphoric pleasure in small to moderate quantities. Sedative, markedly lingering and relentless, ‘stone’ in larger quantities. Though there is a milder cerebral component to this strain that lasts throughout the duration of its course-of-effect, one may find their entire body numb and that all aches and pains are completely relieved. I mention this because the level of efficacy I am describing, by my understanding, at least equals that of morphine without, obviously, the ramifications associated with opioids. One may or may not need to sit down upon intaking this strain; my thighs did get numb after a quarter of a gram, but I don’t know if that would apply to everyone. Pure Kush is definitely a quality strain that I consider as one of the top contenders I have had to-date. Overall: a top-notch strain that, literally, makes my mouth water when I think of it. This is a flower that those with more grounding in Cannabis may be able to find a deeper appreciation for. Would I buy it again? By the kilogram. Recommend to Connoisseurs and Sommeliers? Yes! And to Sommeliers: could you please put more of this strain on the market(s)? I think this is definitely one that may be good to maintain as an, 'Original' as well as do several renditions of as was and is the case with O.G. Kush.. Recommend to first-timers and/or inexperienced consumers? Yes.

Purple Rhino

Upon arriving at the procurer’s establishment, I realized I smelled a lavender scent with a slight pungency and skunkiness about 10 feet away from the closed front door. This was definitely some, ‘loud’ flower but in a sweeter, more floral sense than the typical Skunk and O.G. profiles that are more common. When smelling these flower buds closer, the pungency of the White Rhino can definitely be detected along with lavender (linalool) and humulene notes from The Purps being clearly noticeable. Appearance: men, give this flower to your girlfriend/partner/spouse. It is straight purple to the max with occasional orange stigmas. Heavily coated in white trichomes with a solid structure reminiscent of the White Rhino that yells, ‘Flower!’. Hands down, this is one of the most appealing flowers I have ever seen in my life. I have yet to see this depth of true, real purple pigments in Cannabis to-date. This is real purple (i.e., not secondary to alterations in temperature, lighting, humidity, atmospheric pressure and/or other cultivation factors). Taste: definitely pungent; slightly earthy and nutty. The sweetness of the Purps stands through indeed. Definite taste of lavender. This strain leaves the sensation in the chest and throat of, ‘potency’ and intensity. Exhalation leaves the tinge of the classic, ‘Purple’ flavor. Effect: sit down for this one. This flower strain definitely has a kick to it, and if partaking in larger quantities, the intensity enters into the realm of numbness and sedation to an extent that can, honestly, surpass even an, ‘alcohol-level’ tipsy (much cleaner, safer and better for you though, obviously). This is powerful stuff – no joke. I shared one gram with another person, and after we were done, though he went straight into the other room to have sex (with his now wife), I realized, while walking up the stairs, that I literally felt, ‘drunk’ (I didn’t make it up the stairs as quick: didn’t have as much incentive! LoL). The session ended with me completely numb, head to toe, and fully sedated – all of which persisted for a prolonged duration as well. Another one of those strains that, unless intaken in a conscious manner, can induce sweating, dizziness, weakness of the knees and many other characteristics that stronger intensity strains can produce similar to dabs. Overall: a hallmark strain that deserves top-praises in Cannabis hall-of-fames. I’m not typically particular to Purple strains, but this one was so intense, solid, persisting and utterly relentless that I have to say it deserves a standing ovation. You inhale this stuff in an attempt to, ‘take on’ it head on, it will go beyond leaving you agasp: it will Bruce Lee-Chuck Norris roundhouse you against the wall (to the floor in this case: caution, as mentioned). Would I buy this strain again? By the kilogram. Recommend to Connoisseurs and Sommeliers? Absolutely. Recommend to first-timers and/or inexperienced consumers? Probably not a good idea. May be a bit too intense.