
member since 2019

Recent Reviews2 total

White Russian

Ah, the mistakes we make when we're young and foolish. This past summer on a trip to Canada, land of the free, we decided to indulge and picked up two prerolls. The first was smoked in a park and I was a bit nervous, leading to me to do too much too fast. I first felt wonderfully giggly and happy *and should have stopped there* but did not. Five minutes later, I couldn't tell how I was walking (what even are legs?), I was fairly certain an actual demon had taken residency in my belly and I was in terror that anyone else would see me. My wife, indulging, drove me around a while so I'd get a breeze on my face (helped I guess?) then pulled over at a Tim Hortons, whereupon I complained bitterly there were only 10 timbits in a box. We got back to our B&B only to find out my legs no longer worked. Like, actually would not move. She manually tried to move them while I marvelled at the paralysis. "How will you get up the stairs?" she asked. I skewered up my faculties in order to speak human language: "with supreme effort," I said, the demon in my belly channeling Winston Churchill. I did manage to get upstairs and realized I had just fine too much but also wondered a la David after the Dentist if this was real life. All was well the next day. Smoked the 2nd joint much more wisely and enjoyed a much more happy, giggly high minus the panic/delusion/psychotic features. The first episode wasn't FUN but it sure as hell was fascinating and I'll be mining that experience for my writing projects so I gotta give it an A+++ for creative. I'd buy that again in a heartbeat.

Original Glue (GG4) (fka Gorilla Glue #4)

I'm in Michigan and enjoying legalization and the new retail sales that just started. So up front, I'll tell you I'm not an expert in any of this. Smoked my share in the late 80s and enjoyed some on a recent trip to Canada but out side that I'm like Jon Snow and know nothing. Today, my wife bought some rice crispy edibles with GG and I wound up having the best sleep I've had after .... ?months? of insomnia. Not the intense high I had hoped for, but maybe my body knew better. GG wasn't the hero I wanted, but it was the hero I needed.