
member since 2017

Recent Reviews4 total

Blue Dream

Couldn't get Harlequin or any other high CBD strain so I decided to give this a try. So far it makes me thirsty/hungry, and I get the urge to get up and clean my apartment for the first hour or so. Sometimes I get a pretty intense desire to sleep, then its back to being in go-go-go mode. I like it. Some racing thoughts, but nothing I can't handle or simply ignore.


Finally got to try this strain and have been using it now for about a month, almost on a daily basis. I was looking forward to experiencing a high without paranoia, and it delivered. If I smoke too much ( 3 or more big hits) I can get some racing thoughts but nothing like other strains I have used. This makes me feel calm and relaxed without the super crazy cerebral high I get from other strains. I can get a little spacey in the first hour or so, but it's nothing I can't manage. Harlequin has helped my anxiety and PTSD symptoms immensely - I am no longer having the near-panic attack feeling I get in certain situations. I also have been feeling more emotional in a positive way, as my PTSD has numbed my emotions for many years now. I am also being more creative. Overall a very pleasant experience.

White Widow

This was the first strain I smoked. I suffer from PTSD, ADD, depression and social anxiety. This strain made me extremely paranoid, emotional and nauseous. High would start with euphoria, tingly sensation then progress into paranoid thinking, confusion, spacing out and overly-sensitive hearing, loss of sense of time or what I call "time warps", and emotional outbursts produced by paranoid thinking. I would feel numb, detached and depressed for days afterwards. There is a possibility social setting and life situations could have produced negative effects, as I was not on medication or in counseling as I am now. Have since began vaping XJ13 and paranoid thinking and confusion are greatly diminished, and the feelings of peace, relaxation, calm and focus for days afterwards are quite pleasant and definitely a welcome change. I am looking forward to trying Harlequin or Pennywise to see if a higher CBD content changes my experiences.


I suffer from social anxiety, ADD, PTSD and chronic depression. I am convinced I need to try a high-CBD strain. I am still a newbie when it comes to smoking, as I get pretty intense effects from one to two hits, and I have only been smoking (and not regularly) since 2013. I have tried White Widow and XJ13 so far. Both give me the same type of high - initial euphoria/tingly sensation, then intense "time warp/time slow" sensations and paranoia, and spacing out/getting lost in my thoughts. I'm not sure if I am the only person that has these strange experiences with pot, as I have had the same "time warping" experiences with LSD as well. I have met one other person that experiences the "time slow/time warp" feelings so far. My first time using was White Widow, and I did not enjoy its effects. It made me extremely paranoid, emotional and depressed for days afterwards - to include crying outbursts and angry outbursts. During this time period I was going through a rough patch in life, was not in counseling as I am now, and was not on medications, so I am sure all of those things contributed negatively to my experiences. Using XJ13 I do not have the emotional effects, and I am calm and happy for several days afterwards. But I am also in counseling and on medication and my life situation is much more stable and happy. I have tried XJ13 in a bowl, joint and now vaporize. Vaping gives me a less intense high where I can actually concentrate and focus on doing things like playing video games or writing/surfing the internet/listening to music instead of feeling like I am lost in my own head and time is slowing down/warping. If I can find a strain that counteracts the paranoia during my highs, or try the "peppercorn" trick next time, maybe I will have a different experience. I am looking to try Harlequin or Pennywise next.