
member since 2014

Recent Reviews2 total

Death Star

Before you compare my review to someone else's, I am smoking home-grown, well cared for cannabis so the THC levels may be higher than most users. Anyway, this is definitely one of the craziest highs I have ever experienced. As an individual with a high tolerance, this straight-up handed me my ass. I will say this is a heavy indicate though, and if you have plans for the day then to wait till you are settled for the night - heck even the next morning. Also P.S.A. have water standing by, and for users with a low-tolerance try and have a friend to smoke with (smoking with friends is better anyway) in case you begin to feel dizzy or paranoid/overwhelmed because like I noted before this is a very heavy indicate. Tracers (sight begins to blur as you look around) should also be expected.

White Widow

Honestly one of the BEST strains I have ever had the opportunity to get my hands on. This review is based off the last 12 hours of 'blazing' down on this. Will say, pre-smoke, that I was feeling really down, not in the mood for anything, and unable to think up ideas for my art. After smoking this, fifteen minutes rolled by (time till effect is varied by tolerance) and I immediately felt like getting up and going for a walk. Especially with the beautiful white scenery in this year's winter, the euphoria and extreme happiness/tingling from this strain gave a beautiful outlook to everything and promoted random but beautiful ideas. Immediate cure for a rough day/week/life. For users who want a tolerance suggestion; low-tol - I recommend trying a few weaker buds before hand so this strain doesn't 'slap' you in the face and possibly cause paranoia. For high-tol and especially people who can mentally handle very strong highs I say jump right in and try it.