
member since 2023

Recent Reviews2 total

Bruce Banger

I HIGHLY recommend this strain for PTSD and Complex PTSD, especially if you have a bad trauma trigger! I read on here that it was good for PTSD, and thank you to Leafly and those who reported/reviewed, because I would not have gotten through the last week as well as I have without Bruce Banger (and my mix). I mixed Bruce Banger from Secret Nature (online) with Jelly Roll from Foxhole Farms (also, online) about 50/50, and it has been amazing!! :) I am still mostly clear headed (depending on how much you smoke; I dry herb vape), but there is this warm blanket and a smile type SLIGHT floatiness in the head (I think there has to be to overcome the physiological reactions to triggers). And I just feel peaceful, happy, serene, not escaping but feeling wrapped in a warm blanket of clouds and love. And it truly seemed to heal my triggers much faster! Not just when I was high! I felt a cumulative effect. And I love that I can cry it out, pray and work through it, talk to someone, and then start moving on after a trigger like this. I’m not escaping the problem, but it did the thing everyone needs when badly triggered (PTSD/CPTSD triggers), it helped me deal with it and work through it, without spiraling down too much AND without unhealthy escapism. So if you’re battling some incredibly hard things, as I know many of us are, I definitely recommend this for any time of day. My mix I mentioned: It’s uplifting, slightly giggly in the healthy happy way, happy, at peace with yourself and everything, relaxed, soothing, and not drowsy unless you ingest a lot of it. I could ingest more to help my brain wind down for sleep, or I could ingest less to help me get through this during the day as myself now able to control my response to the painful trigger. I don’t recommend this if you like super clearheaded (like Durban Poison) sativas, but it’s not very head floaty feeling. It’s a great anytime strain. Grateful to God for creating this incredible plant to help us! :)

Space Candy

I absolutely LOVE this strain!!! I battle severe fatigue, neurological issues, Lyme disease, ADHD, and Complex PTSD. This strain took over my body and mind in the BEST way! It took away all my pain, completely brought balanced but incredible, invigorating, “Let’s do this!” kind of energy and motivation. And it’s like it broke through all the physical and mental walls, and I could just be myself! It was WONDERFUL!!! :) I truly felt like my self from many years ago again, and I was able to clean my kitchen deeply like I hadn’t been able to in a long time. I was truly amazed at how much I was able to get done! I only stopped because I knew I’d overdo it and injure myself if I kept going for hours. lol I felt a clear-headed, balanced but invigorating and happy desire to get everything done I hadn’t been able to get done!! I cannot recommend this more highly if you struggle with physical health/mental health issues that cause severe fatigue and steal your energy/motivation, like I do. This is my new favorite strain! And how marijuana isn’t legal everywhere I’ll never understand, because this is better than every medicine and supplement combined. It’s all I need! I love you, Space Candy!! Haha I’m out now and sad, but so grateful for your help and ordering more as soon as I can! :)