Not impressed for how good everyone told me it would be. its pretty good, dont get me wrong its just not the shiz. Everything feels like a dream, and then I got sleepy and made my own dreams. No other feeling really besides a little bit calm. Easy to get paranoia if you take too much. No pain releif, too strong to take if you have a busy day, despite it having a reasonably clear head.
strong for sure 2 hits max for me. I got one at 28% thc. it felt almost indica like for me though because I did get pretty stoned and didn't want to move at all. makes me really focused, calm and content, and. sleepy. 9/10 because it's sort of harsh and the taste isn't special
Perfect for anexity. Doesn't freak me out like the all thc kinda do. One vape hit and I'm calm. not a creeper. decent aphrodisiac. clear mind. love it.