
member since 2012

Recent Reviews28 total

Cotton Candy

Tried this on a recommendation from a helpful SMMA staff person when Green Queen (my usual go-to strain) was not available. CCK works well for me to counteract muscle spasms and to some degree arthritis pain; it's not as couch-locky as Blueberry or Romulan and has consistently nudged me toward creative activities (music, cooking). Gnarly munchies though, I'd eat half the house if I didn't stay on top of the tendency to just chew on everything in sight.


Tried this on a recommendation from a helpful SMMA staff person when they'd run out of Romulan, and for my situation it works very well. Stinky mouth and sandpaper eyes after a smoke, so keep your toothbrush and eye drops handy; fairly strong munchies too. Very effective for muscle spasms, reasonable for arthritis pain, great for sleep. Have noticed that having some Blueberry later in the evening tends to carry through so I wake up with greatly reduced pain and mobility problems and have often slept through the night (unusual for me).

Green Queen

Changed delivery method and was quite surprised at how differently this strain affected me, even though I've been using Green Queen regularly for some time. Instead of putting a tiny 30mg nugget into my cheap little folding one-hit pipe, I used a shredder and put 30mg of the resulting fluff into a VaporGenie pipe. The onset of effect was noticeably faster (I was completely in it after two minutes), and after a brief initial period of not being able to sit still for very long -- and after eating a rather large dinner in a rather short amount of time -- I've been writing and composing good-quality work for over two hours. I experienced a sort of "heavy hat" headache for a while, but that has mostly subsided; my overall pain and spasm levels went down considerably. It's just been a stronger, and longer, ride than I expected, and the effects also seemed to dissipate all at once. I'm glad I tried this shred-and-vape method with a familiar strain, so I know more what to expect when I try something new.

Green Queen

Woke up early in considerable pain from muscle spasms and arthritis, to the point of feeling nauseous (tried to have a bite of plain bread and had to spit it out). After an hour and a half of stretches and trigger point therapy I was mobile, but barely. My partner suggested I have a smoke and a long hot shower, which I did, and I feel at least 75% better. Feeling the smoke of 0.03mg Green Queen taking effect was like the Tin Man getting oil -- by the time I got into the shower and had finished lathering my hair, my neck had popped in four different places, and within ten minutes I had nearly complete range of motion again. Now, a bit more than three hours later, I can feel some of the tension trying to creep back in, and there's a hint of a headache like a distant thundercloud on the horizon, but I'm going to just keep at it (don't have to go anyplace today anyway).

Blue Dream

First time with this strain. At 2:30 this afternoon I had 0.03g in my pipe per usual, and noticed an effect within a very few minutes. Alternately losing continuity and getting a lot done -- baked several types of breads, cleaned the kitchen, played some card games with a friend. An intermittent tendency towards couch lock, but also mentally very active. In terms of helping alleviate symptoms, this seems effective more as an aid to range of motion than as a tool for pain management. It's been a good experience, and I'd cheerfully use this strain again, but not quite what I think I'm looking for medically.

Green Queen

You go along for a while using the same strain, and think you're starting to understand the varietal you're using and how it balances out between relieving symptoms and interfering with ordinary functioning, and then you discover it can still surprise you. Green Queen has been the only strain in my stash for weeks. I had my usual small pipe bowl of this at around 7 pm; by 8:00 I'd eaten twice as much dinner as I'd planned, and have spent the rest of the evening quite contentedly sitting on the couch by candlelight reminscing with a friend (who was not altered in any way)... except I'm going to have to buy another bag of Halloween candy.

Green Queen

A thoughtful process of elimination has led me to use this strain exclusively, to help relieve chronic muscle spasms and arthritis pain. I consistently notice physical relaxation, and an overall feeling of groundedness and connection to my body, and I am deeply thankful for this given my situation. After medicating with this strain, mentally and emotionally I consistently feel more calm, increased appreciation of my surroundings, and reduced overall anxiety. I am often drawn to personally creative activities (such as writing and composing), and usually do not feel "out of phase" with external reality to the point of discomfort or concern. All in all, this is the best single strain I have had which addresses my physical concerns with the least mental interference.


Over the past few months this has become my medication of choice for muscle spasms and arthritis pain when I don't mind a heavy psychoactive effect. Good luck carrying on a conversation with anyone in the outside world, and personally I wouldn't even try to ride a bicycle, let alone pick up the keys to a vehicle. (Remember: Romulans don't know how to drive.) This isn't as eye-bleeding as many other strains (beware of the red dragon).

Green Queen

Still my hands-down favorite. I'm trying to use up the other strains I have in my stash, so I have an excuse to use GQ and Romulan exclusively -- both are the best I''ve tried for muscle spasm and arthritis pain. Green Queen is my med of choice if I need physical help and still want/need to be able to interact with the rest of the world. (Wouldn't want to be driving for at least two hours after medicating regardless.)


CORRECTION: sorry, I was confused and gave opposite ratings a moment ago. My experience was that it *created* headaches, quite the opposite of being a good strain for migraine relief!