
member since 2019

Recent Reviews1 total

Money Maker

I have been growing Money Maker for 4 years now, and it continues to be one of the best examples of what I use indica for. It's delicious- the taste and aroma are so forward that it seems luxurious. The effect is potent old school indica, like back when you used to just get high and happy and never knew weed could make you paranoid. I have PTSD and chronic pain that make sleep difficult, but Money Maker has no idea wtf PTSD and pain are. It clears my head of the day's stresses and shuts down the multiprocessing that keeps my mind spinning all night, while taking away the pain that used to control my day. As another reviewer put it, "this is what an Indica should be." This strain is a PITA to grow because it hermies and lacks any semblance of mold resistance. It hermies late, so it really shouldn't matter, but it's disconcerting nonetheless. I can't grow it in the summer because it will mold that easily. I can't overstate this. The buds get huge and mold up easily as a result. It is however very forgiving of watering and feeding - it loves being fed and easily tolerates 1/3 more nutes than I normally use and you can see the plants loving the boost. There are 4 phenotypes you're likely to encounter, none of which are bad, and none of which are dramatically different in effect, making the end result fairly uniform regardless. Many growers claim this is an unstable line of genetics but the uniformity of the end result is quite consistent. Because of this variation in plant structure, though, I'd recommend growing as clones to get a uniform height.