
member since 2016

Recent Reviews3 total

Emerald City Provisioning

The first time I went here I was very very happy with the weed they had there and how great it looks. It has so many great types of amazing buds there. And every time I go there I always get a free mag like DOPE. which to me it's just as great as HIGH TIMES. Another thing I love there is when you get bud there you can get free bud when you get a good amount of pushes they give you for your push card.

Pineapple Chunk

This strain is sooo amazing good with the taste and how great the buds feel and look. When I first smoked PineApple Chuck it helped my stomach and my lower back pain. This kind of strain of weed is one of my new favorites on my top 10 favorite strains of Weed for pain and to help when you are feeling really said. It brings you back up and not feeling sad or anything like that. It makes you feel so happy I've not had any other kind of strains that have ever made me feel this Damn happy I love it sooo much and stay high 420 all day 🚼.