
member since 2017

Recent Reviews7 total

CBD Shark

this is an ok strain not amazing for some reason it really hit my anxiety and was not good for my spinal stenosis I have talked to a few other people who love it just dapends on the person but from what other people have said the strain can be higher or lower in thc then cbd start slow and test it out for you're self

Dinamed CBD

love this strain works great for my spinal stenosis with taking the pain away super relaxing but also able to work and not get couch locked also great with anxiety and head aches

Shark Shock

50/50 on this one perfect night time strain first time I used this was a hard hitter felt a little anxious but the taste smell and affects for pain are great I recomend trying this at home first and seeing how it works for you first time smokers start slow it can sneak up on you


Love this one I have spinal stenosis that causes severe chronic pain and muscle spasms in my neck and back with aweful headaches but also have high anxiety so I cant use most strains but this one works the best for me takes most of the pain away with out that super heady high and still able to get my work done onset for me is about 2 to 5 mins and last in the range of 6 hours of pain relief the only thing I will say is this some times makes me a little tired so test it out when home and you can decide if its a good day strain or night time one for me its a nice night time going to bed one

Game Changer

this is a game changer lol I have bad anxiety and pain from fibromylagia and lot of strains are hard for me because they lift my anxiety to new levels and makes it worse for me but at the same time I need somethingn for my chronic pain that I have every day and this is why I love game changer it puts me in the best mood it helps take all my pain away and makes me want to get out and about in the world and feel like my normal self it has super fruity notes with hints of spice and sweet was one of the best strains I have ever had to be honest and there are some great ones out there I highly recommend for any one with high anxiety or stress

Alaskan Thunder Fuck

super nice flower wicked strong but I noticed it dapends on soil and where you get it from there have been some really mellow highs with this one but also some knock you out of the ball park kinda highs it is great for pain and headaches really nice day time strain with being active and doing things this strain has super nice flower flavor with hints of earth wood and kinda spicy sweet with this strain I highly recommend starting slow with this one and testing the waters if new to smoking

Tiger's Milk

I have chronic pain every day from fibromyalgia I'm not a big smoker but when I do its due to the fact Im in lot of pain this is one of the few strains that helps take all my pain away but not just mask it like pain medication can do the smell and taste is awesome with earthy notes and spice the feeling of having my body back and being able to do things is the best feeling in the world I highly recommend this to any one who has awful chronic pain headaches or inflamation also if first time using this one start of slow and test the waters