
member since 2016

Recent Reviews4 total

Melon Gum

Wow what a pleasant suprise is this weed!! Great smooth REAL melon flavour, as a flower and when smoked. Ideal for couchsurfing. Outstanding mix of every aspect good weed needs in my opinion; calming, relaxing, moodbooster, with a nice indica punch for the bodyrelaxation. I have to admit I'm not even a bit of a Bubblegum-fan, most of the time it has a bit of a sharp and dry, unpleasant smoke is my experience, and trust me I tried a few . This is the twist Bubbles needed, makes it way smoother and with a much nicer indica twist!!

White Widow

By now this is the old time favorite of Holland, for years and years it was the most sold and smoked weed over here, and despite the variety of excellent strains you can buy here nowadays, still on the chart by most of the shops. There's a reason for that ;) Superb for firsttimers, great balance between indica and sativa, there for also a great any-/daytime smoke! One of the good oldies you should've smoked at least once!!

Enemy of the State

Real nice Indica strain, a must try if that's your thing! Heavy and outspoken odour, sweet and spicy. Tastes just like it smell's. Real heavy body stoner. This strain is for me a bit like Orange Bud or California Orange, a tasty and pleasant smoke, ideal for a day on the beach!

Pakistani Chitral Kush

One of the most pleasant smokes I've ever smoked. Great (strong, spicy, sweet, citron) smell and tast, and delivers a really nice body-stone. Very calming indeed, as others already mentioned. Doesn't knock you out completely but brings you to the most pleasant state ever!!