
member since 2016

Recent Reviews3 total

TJ's Grapefruit

TJ's Grapefruit is a delicious sativa-dominant hybrid. We enjoyed it as a pre-roll and using the Herbalizer (vape). It brings on a comfortably melting feeling and may leave you feeling some unusual support. A smoking companion says it left them feeling "one with the office chair minus the couch lock" Grapefruit left us feeling comfortably high with pleasant euphoria; in the bonus round I got complete relief from a nagging overnight headache within 10 minutes. A great go-to blend for pain relief and relaxation.

TJ's White Label

Lovely fat sticky buds with great minty scent and bright flavors! TJ's White Label is intoxicating, invigorating and so delicious you might want more than one session after being introduced. It tastes minty, earthy, and sweet, with some subtle coffee notes. I use cannabis medicine for relief from chronic intractable pain, and TJ's White Label spells relief-as it leaves me feeling clear headed and comfy, it looks to be my new daytime favorite; a little bit every couple hours gets me through feeling more than okay. A little bud or bowl of this and you'll be feeling relaxed and right as rain!


TJ's set me up with whole flower medicines in capsule and flower. Breathtakingly fragrant and gorgeous buds in several varieties, all varieties with great flavor. I use cannabis for relief from chronic intractable pain, fibromyalgia, ptsd and peripheral neuropathy. TJ.s Purple Kush helped me with pain, relaxation and sleep; the TJ.s Matanuska Thunder is great for daytime get up and go to help convince my aging frame to get moving, especially when my knees don't want to participate. Before Gad's visit I was waking up every couple hours at night shaking with pain; between the CBD and Hypnos capsules and high quality flowers I am sleeping much better and waking up feeling far more okay, my overall day time functioning is better and I am sleeping deeply, regularly and well for the first time in decades.