
member since 2013

Recent Reviews8 total

Blue Dream

I'll take this over an ounce of tylenol any day!


I pooped and peed all at once.......in my chair. I guess you could say I was a real "Trainwreck" (wink wink) that day........Oh, and i have anxiety, which got insanely worse after shitting myself in place in front of my friends.....Thanks Trainwreck :)

St. Andrews Collective

St Andrews Collective is like a sunny island oasis set in an already sunny location. With double the amount of sun in place it's hard to walk out of St Andrews without stepping on the curve or tripping over a pot hole. There's just too much sun! And that's a good thing. So is the use of "pot hole" in this context. All you really need to know is that this place has weed. Good weed. Bad weed. Small weed. Tall weed. Dank ass Buddha weed. You name they sell it. And if you don't name it they still will sell it! They're that professional. So get your stoner ass off the couch, buy some bush, and don't fall on the way out. -y tu mama tampoco

$100 OG

This weed's like getting fist fucked. First in the head, then in the ass! You literally won't move. And you're ass will kill...........Oh yea, it also got rid of my depression!!! Until i woke up the next day and started hating myself all over again. -cowboys and kitty litter

Afghan Kush

This weed brought me back to a peaceful time, before September 11th, 1985

Pineapple Express

The Tet Offensive wasn't even half as offensive as what i did the other night to my toilet bowl after smoking Pineapple Express. Thanks!!!....i think

Sour Diesel

Usually I masturbate lefty but tonight i'm going RIGHTY!!! Thank YOU Sour D's.

Mr. Nice Guy

Unlike the above contradictory remarks about how Mr. Nice makes people both tired and energetic at the same time, let me tell you a little bit about the cordial but not so cordial welcoming Mr. Nice bestowed upon my very own butt-hole! After spreading my cheeks wide and putting Mr.Nice in my mouth, I was hungry. Three entire peanut butter (NO JELLY!) sandwiches later I was stuffed. Two hours later an assault reigned down on my defenseless toilet bowl so heinous, that i found myself apologizing to the bidet for any harm i may have caused his dear friend. You see, Mr. Nice is Mr. Wrong when it comes to you and your butt-hole....or at least me and my butt-hole. Honest confession; I'm a man! But outside of being just a man, i've taken some very serious shits in my days. And while i'm gonna be perfectly candid with myself and tell myself that I understand this post is childish and immature, my backside pooh hole cannot go on another day without explaining or letting be known the events of last night. Never, and I mean NEVER, has anything so foul come out from behind me and reeked havoc to such a degree, then the shit that dropped out from behind me last night. Did I mention it gets worse? Of course not! But it did. The back bowl pooh stains that blemished the deep thoroughs of my toilet last night are still surmounting a heavy offensive this morning. What was three independent drops has now amassed to a back wall of brown, similar to that of paint dripping down a canvas, which cannot be sponged, loofahed, or flushed away. As I sit here I worry about what's gonna cum out next and how much more damage it's going to inflict. I prey thee take my advice to heart! While some of you will experience some of the more common side effects of Mr. Nice, others of you will not. And if you are one of the few who just so happens to fall into my category, sore butt-cheeks, foul aromas, and tarnished toilet bowls are but a few of the things you should could come to expect when inhaling Mr. Nice through your nostrils or mouth. May Jesus and Allah smile down on you with the force of a thousand angels!!! -Matt