
member since 2022

Recent Reviews1 total


Holy moly, y'all. I think this is my first review, inspired by this delightful new-to-me strain. And INSPIRED is definitely the right word here, because I've got creative ideas popping up in my tired brain left and right, AND I'm feeling the energy to do something about some of them! I've been dealing with the utter B.S. of lingering covid-induced depression AND *%!@#%$*&!!! perimenopausal hormonal madness, and a few hits of Zoap liquid live resin (Buddies brand, DVP form-factor) currently has me feeling more chipper than I've felt any time in the past couple weeks (which feels like forever in my current crazytown mode). I'm planning to use this lovely mental boost get a bit of "useful" work done and then spend my Saturday afternoon in creative pursuits! The flavor/smell of this one really is remini"scent" of soap, in a pleasant way. I have a fun all-over body "fuzzy" feeling, and my little fan blowing on me feels really neat. So definitely heightened senses for me. I'm feeling kind of munchy, but I haven't eaten anything yet today, so take that effect with a grain of whatever you like. I'm being very chatty with online friends and the pharmacist I called about my anti-crazytown meds, which is a little more social than I usually am. Mostly, I'm NOT feeling the general anxiety and fatigue I've been feeling for quite a while. And that, my cohorts, is a gift I will gladly accept any day or night, from any strain! Oh, I should mention that I have a bitch of a tolerance. So the fact that this strain is having a noticable effect on me means it may not be great for folks with less experience and/or lower tolerances. Make good choices, and don't do anything I used to do. ;)