Agent Orange
So first impression was the overwhelming scent of orange that flooded from the bag when I opened it. I would swear he soaked it in orange perfume before handing it to me, if I didn't know how it was grown. The smell wasn't an overpowering "toilet bowl cleaner orange" like you get from, well, toilet bowl cleaner. It was more like when you grab an Orange scented candle at the store and pop the lid off, and even if you don't intentionally take a smell of the candle yet, the air in-front of your face smells amazing regardless. That kind of freakin' Orange smell. So obviously that's not the only thing you get to enjoy about cannabis, and after loading a small bowl in my magic wand shaped pipe, and taking a deep inhale of this divine herb, I was in awe.
At first I almost coughed the hit out because I had been at work all day and my last batch was not nearly as intense at this. The taste almost mimics the aroma, with a strong orange taste you would need to try really hard to beat. It tastes like you put a little bit of lemon juice in some orange juice, and then turned it into a strain. After the bowl I was feeling the effects of this Hybrid very well, which was a rush of (at the risk of sounding corny) happiness, and an uplifting energy to get up and make some bad ass munchies for myself and my girlfriend, and then get all comfy on the couch to watch some netflix, before we go load a bowl in the bong and call it a night.
The only downside I found to this strain, was waking up with some serious dry mouth, and also getting some during the day after smoking if I didn't follow up with a nice drink. So I would definitely recommend that you have some sort of juice or sports drink to keep your mouth quenched while you enjoy your perfect Sativa dominant high.