Some of the best creeper I have ever smoked. First couple of mins you don't really feel much until the creeper effect creeps up from your lungs and moves into your head where it stays for a euphoric clear headed high.Great classic earthy/funky/tart aroma/flavor in my top ten for one of the most effective and stable medicines I have Medicated with.
Some of the best creeper I have ever smoked first couple mins you don't really feel much in till you feel the creeper effect creep from your chest into your head where it stays for a great euphoric clear headed head high. Classic great earthy weed flavor every accomplished smoker has tasted one time or another and longs to taste again. G-13 is on my top ten medicinal strains for effectiveness it really gets the job done.
Biggest scam in town these people lie and steal from innocent medical marijuana card holders who can't find medicine. 25 a gram is crazy for any medicine but they stock poor quality buds for crazy prices. Again unless you want to be taken advantage of stay clear of these people.
These people are the biggest scam in town went in and saw there garbage witch they fake these weird test forms and say there strains tested 29+% lol its funny how dumb they must be don't get ripped off if I were you avoid at all costs