
member since 2016

Recent Reviews8 total

Dutch Treat

I recently gave a review on Dutch Treat based on Vaping it & I did enjoy every bit of it, However I also tried smoking it & found that 3 tokes REALLY did me in good. I had to shut everything down & go str8 to bed & live it out & when I woke up the next day I was in a cloud that was a bit too heavy for me personally. I didn't expect a slow start then suddenly I started getting VERY High almost to a point of being stoned. I am a light weight user for health issues & although as it taper off to a warm heavy sedative like feel i wasn't happy over all due to how heavy it was for me. I know there are folks out there that like these effects & I Encourage those folks who haven't tried it yet to do so. I would purchase this one again but staying clear of smoking it what a difference between vaping & smoking. LOL If I had trouble before I started, I sure wont have them when done LOL

Dutch Treat

Perfect for me. This Dutch Treat really treated me to perfect balance in body relaxation with a smooth euphoric feeling of wellness. Most strains leaf an after effect on me a day later. This one left me productive all day. If you find it Buy it & give it a try. I felt no pain & I slept like a charm.

Pineapple Kush

Pak starts out on the Sativa side & can over whelm light or new users on the onset. but after controlled breathing exorcises & sipping mint tea & cold water I was able to relax & enjoy the ride, it leaves a lasting impression the next day which is good if you have trouble turning your mind off. Lets you get work done too. This isnt my first go to only because it comes on too fast at the start otherwise its a good long lasting strain for me. A good company strain & great vaped. I will have to try it smoked to see how that is.


This one is great at lifting the mood as much as relieving stress & pain. I found it particularly good after a hard day of dragging like a ball and chain was attached to both legs. Very uplifting. I enjoy it best laying down.


I tried the Cannatonic last week & havent used it since because I wasnt use to the experiences I had, however I find this strain very useful when experiencing HIGH pain. There was little cerebral effects & what I did experience only lasted less than 20 minutes but left a vague feeling of uplifted. The pain reduction was high, I experienced what could be described as an iron Shawl effect over both shoulders & neck which is where my most common problem for pain exists. within 10 minutes of vaping this strain I began to feel a slight high which was a good start, then a progressive clamping feeling arresting pain in my neck & shoulders from 2 medical conditions one of which causes severe headaches daily. I didnt have any problems with pain there after & was motivated to go to bed instead of staying up for a while to enjoy the euphoric feelings I typically get from other strains. I am ranking this strain for me personally as the morphine of cannabis lol its a definite pain relief strain I will use again. I just have to get use to the initial effects now.

Nuclear Cookies

The name is very intimidating. I bought a small amount to give it a try & was really blown away at effect & over all experience. The peppery effects has potential of making one cough hard. This strain was fast acting & stayed with me all night & kept my head clear. No ill effects, I expected a heavy head but instead I got what could be interpreted as an anchor effect but not exactly. This strain could be used day or night. I intend to purchase more, I think for pain, this is one of those strains you can vape xtra & lay back & watch a movie & just feel good.

MMJ Canada - Hess Village

Every visist was good I had a positive experience every time. The only issue I had was strain availability which presented an issue only because my first priority for being there was to find a strain that helped my medical conditions, not for recreational use. I was given some very accurate advice on a strain that would be useful to combat various medical issues & that has led to to finding a strain that covered all my needs in one without killing my head. I strongly recommend MMJ to anyone seeking Cannabis as an alternative to pharmaceuticals or even as recreational use.

Sugar Shack

Took forever to find a strain that wouldnt overtake me & become to head heavy. I am about to try it now and will describe smell, taste & then effects. I am dealing with chronic pain from Thoracic outlet syndrome Spinal damage & epilepsy. Few strains have been helpful in all 3 areas of concern. I have a slight headache. So here we go.... 8:57 pm SMELL: is slight piney, earthy musky slight fresh cut wood. TASTE: Slight pine, a full bodied fruit or berry, most excellent flavour to start & mild. Effects: Begins at 9:22, slight head tingle with slight elephant ears & slight mouth numbing . I feel light & slight euphria & some burping, this is a good start. Slight Headiness within 7 minutes... waits for 1/2 hour for full effect.. ok forget half hour, ots 9:35 I am experiencing slight head fuzziness & pain relief is now occuring. ok this is only on 2 tokes & already I feel ready to chill then bed. This strain lives up to its reputation & sound advice from my dispensary. I highly recommend this one for newbies. Its beautiful & now I better log out I feel to groovy to continue :D 5 stars