
member since 2013

Recent Reviews1 total


Had a migraine this morning, so I wanted a nice pain relief and mellow experience. I went to the head shop after taking some excedrin and bought a new pen to use because I am tired of using my torch bought a dome pen with titanium coils. I loaded about .25 g into the big bowl to soak up the wick and it was the best tasting propane wax I have ever had besides some Blue Cheese / Jack Herer hybrid I got in San Fran bay area on a vacation. It eliminated my headache and allowed me to get to work and be productive. I definitely can be productive even though the high is intense and very potent it is almost like a quarter of a edible per toke out of the pen or about smoking a huge blunt of the dry. I have asthma so I have gotten into concentrates recently and I recommend this to anyone with migraines or asthma also you can smoke wax wherever in a pen and it is very low odor so if I get a headache while driving I used to have to take a pill containing codeine which would make me have to pull over and I am not a fan of opiates so now I keep my pen and about .2 wax in there I take one quick rip and I am able to drive fine and not have to pull over migraine gone.