
member since 2022

Recent Reviews2 total

Skywalker OG

i’m usually one to get paranoid but this one gives me not even a slight feeling of that at all. i adore it & recommend it for when you want to relax & feel good. it also really helps me with menstrual cramps & pain alleviation. highly recommend for those with strong period pains & back pain. also helps to stimulate your mind & put you at ease.

3:1 CBD Cartridge

I was looking for something that would help my pain. I'm a girl who is on birth control for my menstrual pain, it gets extremely bad. This week I mistakenly switched my patch a day late which caused me to wake up with a nasty headache, nausea, and nasty body aches all day. It sucked. I was at work and had to suck it up but everything was hurting so bad. I couldn't even eat lunch. I just wanted to go home. After work, my boyfriend picked this up for me, and omg...instant relief. No nausea and the pain went away. It was like magic. I am usually someone who gets paranoid when I smoke. Finding one that helps me not feel like that is a quality I admire/look for in a strain. When I did it right when I got it, I got high because it was my first smoke of the day and I'm a lightweight, take this in mind, it felt very nice. Buzzy calming head feeling and my body felt so relaxed and almost kind of airy it was just a calming experience. It made me feel 10x better. I recommend this for those with anxiety, it will help you with coming out of your shell or make you feel good overall. I also highly recommend it for those who suffer from body/nerve pain and nausea. This shit was awesome 10/10.