
member since 2020

Recent Reviews4 total

Banana Daddy

Was seeking Banana Kush, but couldn’t find it. Went with Banana Daddy. One bowl newb here: instant percussive song intro disguising the incoming show. I’ve got energy but having too much fun thinking out loud about why I should bother to do anything physical. Then, things get neat and I mean really neat. I’m alone at the moment but realize what great company I would be to an audience. I can already tell this is going to be one of those drop the needle on the turntable bowls and appreciate the quad system (4 high mounted floor tower fed by an ancient amp, record player and it’s all good). 30 minutes in. I’m possibly the nicest guy in the world, change my mind. You know those songs that suck on the radio and then you change the channel as quickly as possible? Not tonight. Let it ride. Everything’s really neat when you slow down and think about it. I don’t care if the voted worst in the world ‘Friday’ was skipping on the turntable; it’s all good and for a reason. Everything is on an even plain of funny. I don’t have the giggles but the laughs; the ‘awe gee shucks’ shrugs and unfamiliar friendliness. This is the strain family members will ask you to step outside for if they believe you are being grumpy. Almost an hour in: think I’ll watch a movie or start a new series. I think maybe I won’t because everything is just a mellow cool. Instead of my usual (middle aged) sober WW2 documentaries, I’m more in the mood to binge watch Fraggle Rock. If I may post a favorite quote/passage: “There it is, they'd say. Over and over—there it is, my friend, there it is —as if the repetition itself were an act of poise, a balance between crazy and almost crazy, knowing without going, there it is, which meant be cool, let it ride, because Oh yeah, man, you can't change what can't be changed, there it is, there it absolutely and positively and f****** well is.” Tim O’ Brien “The Things They Carried.” NOTE: I try to write reviews in real time and compare the feeling with various pop culture references. Final Thoughts: “Hello lamppost! Whatcha knowin?’ I’ve come to watch your flowers growing.”

Bruce Banner

30 minutes melting into the sofa until one yawn expels energy. Bruce Banner is for hardcore yard work. One little bowl lasts me for hours. The most important factor to me along with energy was focus. Goodness, didn’t know focus could be purchased so cheaply. Amazing flower.

Rotten Cherries

“Did you see the size of that chicken?” Two pre-roll hits, 3 hours apart. A few minutes of stupor rises to an extremely goofy Sativa with body effect. I turned into a distinguish clown who had just guzzled from a Red Bull fountain. Points of discussion took a lot longer to expel;!as if I spoke and gave ample time for my voice to hit a communications satellite and bounce back to someone’s ear. I was left calculating solutions to the world’s most profound problems…2nd hit: I go stereo type and put some Mick and the Fleetwood MacMuffins on the turntable. Don’t remember which album but someone said it was Rumours. I can single out the vocal harmonies individually and never remember hearing it like that. I then sought visuals and enjoyed the slight psychedelic effects. I review strains with stars and quotes and lyrics: Overall review: “Hey dog, dog! Did you see the size of that chicken?”

Acapulco Gold

Do you like work at your edge? Go full blast to get things done and crash from exhaustion late in the evening? Take a hit of this. Maybe you’ve had couch time or have been calm, but have you ever been focused while slightly hyper yet relaxed? (New concept for myself as well.) Get a bite of this goodness. I got more done during the day and didn’t stress about any of it. Pains me to think what might have been if Acapulco Golf would have been a pill introduced with the famous antidepressants.