
member since 2016

Recent Reviews2 total

Kush Kingdom

Only group in the area with a specific strain I was looking for. The gal I worked with was great, knew what she was talking about.

Charlotte's Web

I have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and some kind of spasm/twitch/involuntary movement hell that we're working on a name for. For the last part a neurologist (who I have since fired from my care team) told me to take klonopin. I took it as directed and it was the worst pain of my life and I've had two kids since the fibro started. Took pain spasms in major muscle groups to ones that involved my ribs and diaphragm which meant I couldn't breath when the spasm was happening. It was horrifying. Took a double dose of the tizanidine that I was on and three times the amount of a tincture made using White Fire (hybrid that helps with pain/spasms) to get things to calm enough to sleep. When the tincture wore off about 5 hours later things started to ramp back up again. Ended up in the ER writhing and crying and cursing because I was hysterical with pain. They gave me dilauded and it didn't do a damn thing for the pain. What did help was valium but made me foggy and I can't work like that. My research brought to my attention a strain of cannabis called Charlotte's Web. It has a THC content of only 0.6% with a CBD above 10%. THC is what gives you the high of cannabis. The strain was developed specifically for a little girl that was having hundreds of seizures a day. Her family heard that CBD could help, tried it and it helped her so much they moved from the east coast to Colorado so she could get it legally. My theory was that since many of the pharmaceuticals I've been put on for spasms/twitches/wtfever have also been anti-seizure meds then a cannabis strain breed for seizures would help as well. I can't smoke or vape anything (sensitive lungs) but I can do edibles and tinctures. Got some of the CW and processed half in coconut oil and the other half went into Everclear to make a 2-week tincture. So I'm using the Charlotte's Web baked in cookies during the day and the Valium at night plus for break through spasm-hell. If I get pissed off as badly as I was yesterday afternoon by some call center idiot nurse then all bets are off and I have to upgrade to the valium for break through. But I can work on the Charlotte's Web with very little high or pain fog. I get the occasional twitch but none of the terrifying chest spams that stop my breathing. Going to get some growing in my hydroponic set up as soon as I can get a couple of clones from a group in the next county over (only guys that have them). This strain is amazing and I cannot say how grateful I am that I was able to find out where to find it on Leafly.