
member since 2010

Recent Reviews2 total

White Rhino

Very strong, indredibly long-lasting indica. What started as a fairly quick energy boost lead to an eventual four hour come-down of intense body buzz. Not for me. It helped my stress but I do tend to get a little bit anxious when effects last that long.

True Blueberry x OG Kush

True Blueberry x OG Kush is a very unique strain in that it has more CBD than THC. Research in FOR-REAL, PEER-REVIEWED medical journals suggests that CBD is an effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic, and may help with Alzheimer's as well as the onset of blindness in diabetics. But, you know, that's all experimental. For me, personally.. I honestly don't really even get "high" with this stuff, which I assume is due to the low THC content. It feels like Valium but without the edge/side effects or harsh come-down. The only buzz is in the body, and that buzz is significantly lighter than in most indicas (it feels more like an indica despite being sativa-dominant). I've felt sedation and a small amount of couchlock. Now, to the real stuff: it is by far the most effective painkiller of any strain I have tried, and I love that about it. I'm not a huge fan of strains that give you a weird mix of effects -- I like when strains are really good at one particular thing, whether that's getting me up, putting me to sleep, making a bad movie better, or in this case, taking the pain away after a long day. One more thing -- because it's CBD-heavy, I would imagine most people trying it are probably after its potent medical benefits, and a large subset of those people may use vaporizers. Every cannabinoid has a different vaporizing temperature. CBD needs more heat -- specifically 206.3 (404.3F) degrees in order to vaporize. So make sure your vaporizer is properly adjusted and can reach that temperature -- otherwise, you'll need to smoke it.