
member since 2013

Recent Reviews15 total

Nirvana Center - Prescott Valley

I have visited this Shop about 4 times in the past 3 weeks. Overall good variety, good quality, and decent prices. That would add up to a solid 4 star dispensary, but there are a couple issues. The second to the last time I was there I waited in the lobby, picked out my buds and was ready to check out when the bud tender suddenly noticed I was going over my state limit. I left with nothing and wasted 45 minutes plus $10 in gas because they didn't check the limit first. Tonight (7/9/17) I visited again and waited 30 minutes in the lobby to get called back. I made sure everything was good with my limit first. I went to the back to pick out buds. Everything was good till check out (again). I had decided to use their ATM machine to pay for my order. The ATM machine would not dispense funds so I thought I would just use the card to pay. The bud tender told me that my card was not active and the transaction did not go through. I asked him to try one more time because my card has never had a problem and again it failed. I asked bud-tender if he would let me run to get some cash at the local bank and be back in 20 minutes to pay for my order. However, I was told that since it is near closing that if I leave they would not let me back in. I asked if I could save the order as a pick up order for the next day and the Manager didn't really want to do it and made sure I knew that I would not be getting Sunday (double) points if I picked it up the next day. I agreed and left to call my bank. It turns out that the ATM machine the dispensary has automatically raises a red flag with Chase. I was told as soon as I put my card in that ATM Chase deactivated my card for security reasons. Therefore, I couldn't even check out and pay with my card because of their suspicious ATM. Sometimes these things happen and I can understand that but I was getting no help or leeway from the dispensary to try and solve this problem and pay for my order. Again I lost 45 minutes of my time and $10 in gas and walked away with nothing. Its too bad because it is a decent dispensary with a lot of potential.

Ponderosa Dispensary - Flagstaff

I can't believe this is a state-licensed dispensary - they actually care! I was a bit apprehensive when walking in the door but what found me is a lot of caring and friendly faces (some from the old Grassroots Wellness Center). Their meds don't just look amazing (like a lot of state dispensaries) - they have the potency and effects to back them up - the other state dispensaries I have been to have nice looking buds, but when it is time to medicate.... there isn't much effect. Not that problem here - the potency is the best I have had in the state (including Phoenix, Williams, Prescott area, Flagstaff, etc.) You'll not find a friendlier group of people who actually care and you will not find such potent and amazing buds for this price! Even the $285 ounce Tier 3 option is better than anything I have had elsewhere. The Moby Dick is amazing - one of my new favorites!! Double Dream is simply to die for. Their Tier 3 Headband is better than Headband to be found in Phoenix for $350-$400 an ounce.

Mercury OG

Mercury OG is a great find! The effects are Euphoric and Uplifting. The high feels like a liquid high in the way that everything goes smoothly (perception). Music is especially stimulating with this strain in my opinion. This reminded me a bit of Kosher Kush but with a very unique feeling of it's own. I use this strain in the evening for enjoying music/movies and going to sleep. I would pick this strain up again!

Lamb's Bread

I didn't think a strain could top Kosher Kush for me but Lamb's Bread has done it. This Sativa feels more like a well-balanced Hybrid to my senses as it has good pain relief and did not make me the least bit anxious - which most Sativas do. Lamb's Bread provides a happy, introspective and thoughtful high. I use this strain to treat Anxiety and Depression. I also use this strain to listen to music and spend time outside! Lamb's Bread is very potent and has a mild smell. On the outside, it doesn't look like anything special (neither does Kosher Kush) but the effects are the best I have come across after sampling hundreds of strains.

Blue Dream

A great daytime strain for those of us that need help with physical pain. This strain made me happy, relaxed and sociable while allowing me to keep a somewhat clear head. I have horrible anxiety and PTSD and this strain is one of the few that works well with anxiety without the sedative effects. Decently Potent. 9/10

The Void

This strain is one of the most amazing I have smoked after several years and 100's of strains sampled. If you want to get high and listen to music or get the munchies or play video games... this is not that strain. This strain does one thing and does it well: Motivates you to do something positive and takes away all stress. Other than that, this strain leaves you with a clear head, a clear body and with only the negative side effect of being a bit more talkative. I always keep some of this around for some of those tough days. You know, those days everything sucks and you just need to feel motivated and positive about doing something? This is the perfect strain for that. Get out of bed feeling like you shouldn't have? This strain will cover it. My 2nd Favorite Strain (Kosher Kush is #1) 10/10

Juicy Fruit

This strain is one of the few strains that is simply Happy to smoke. Perfect for getting rid of anxiety, getting happy and hanging out with friends. Other than being happy the high is mellow with some very strong euphoria. Smells like Juicy Fruit, almost tastes like Juicy Fruit and is very pretty to look at. Decently Potent. One of the few strains I would buy a whole ounce of. 9/10

White Widow

This strain reminds me of the comfortable classic high we're all familiar with from our youth: giggling, munchies, counchlock, but enough energy to play games and horse around. Definitely a strain for Music and Movies. Smoking White Widow instantly brings a little smile to my face. This is one of the few strains I would buy an ounce of. Very Potent. As a side note... if you can find a strain high in CBDs (but probably low in THC), pair it with White Widow - the effects the extra CBDs have are not only good for you but very much enhance the high of White Widow. 9/10

Blue Diesel

Blue Diesel was a pleasant surprise - unlike any of the other Diesels I have tried thus far. The pain relief was amazing for a daytime strain and as an anxious person I was very happy that this strain caused no stress or anxiety. The effects were: Happy, Motivated, Ultimate Pain Relief. Decently potent. This is one of the few strains I would buy an ounce of. 9/10

Kosher Kush

This strain looks quite plain and uninteresting but holy crap - what an amazing high! As soon as I smoked this I felt like I had found the high I had been looking for with the last 100 strains I've sampled. I realize Leafly says this is mainly for Insomnia but that is simply untrue. This is a very potent strain with excellent pain relief properties and can give you the giggles and serious munchies. This strain is simply a lot of fun to smoke - no matter what you are doing. My #1 favorite after sampling 100's of strains over several years. 10/10