
member since 2016

Recent Reviews7 total

Mob Boss

Tried this in a pre-roll from Colorado. Just about everything impresses me...but not this strain, I'm sad to say. The smell is great. But, this strain did nada for me.


It's just OK. I was zoned out for an hour, but I can do that watching TV. Pass.

Lem Chem

The lemon made my mouth water like a faucet running! This one is a good strain when one has to stay alert but enjoys doing so. Clear thinking while feeling groovy suits me fine!


I love the instant pain relief! On the downside, I can't find my mental 'happy place' I get with most strains. I'm not much on the harshness of the smoke. A bit too me harsh for me who hates to cough. I almost coughed.

Emperor Cookie Dough

The taste was tolerable...not my fav but no hacking up a lung, either. Good day time getting things done kinda vibe. I have depression/PTSD and highly suggest.

Spearmint Six Pack

Unlike the tropical, this gum has a good flavor and is fast acting. I've enjoyed many 4 hour buzzes and this is the gum to have.

Tropical Single

Nasty. I've chewed 3 pieces at one time with ZERO results. Save your $$$