
member since 2018

Recent Reviews21 total


Just what I've been looking for! The perfect sativa/CBD hybrid. bought a gram, filled a pre-roll, and an hour and a half later I'm lost in my game and realize I'm only halfway through. This is great for a strong mental buzz that doesnt leave you worried or anxious in the slightest.

Blue Moonshine

Super effective couch indica. Definitely my go to for sleep aid, giving a heavy relaxing head high that's easy to nod off to.

Floyd's Fine Cannabis on Columbia

Same stuff as the other locations, kind of a seedy area, but the staff's cool, shop is clean, and it's a way shorter trip to get here.

Sour Amnesia

I got this as sugar wax, took some long drags off my StudioRig, and now I'm stuck between a really powerful and creative head high and an actual feeling of amnesia . It's a very "follow your whim" kind of high This is a great strain for partying 😎

Nice Cherry

Picked this up not knowing what it was, come to find it's an indica about 2-3 seconds into my first hit. Super fast and up front but no lagginess or heavy sedated feeling. This feels a lot like a haze strain, and its reeeeeal nice.

Scooby Snacks

I didnt know what I was in for. I'll be honest. I bought this at mid-shelf price and I'm blown away by how well this smokes. I'll definitely be adding this to my list of favorites while I sit on the couch and load a Scooby Doo movie

Area 51

This was a weeeeeird strain for me. It feels like a really powerful head high, giving you that "inflated head" feeling, and it's even a little disorienting. Yet I can focus and stay on task with things even while I feel spaced out. Really fitting name for this strain!

Mt. Hood Magic

This stuff just dropped all over Portland and its freaking amazing. $10 for an eighth and I can stretch that bag for days or just get blasted for the whole night. great stuff

Master Skunk

Master Kush and some old school skunk. 'nuff said.

Afternoon Delight

Picked up a CBD dom that's at 0.5 THC and 17 CBD. I would really love to see this strain in it's original form, because this CBD variant has to be one of the best I've ever smoked. I am stoned to the bone.