
member since 2019

Recent Reviews1 total

Northern Lights

I suffered a car accident 12 years ago who left me with an injury in my neck, and since then anything went the same. I been learnt to deal with pain in my life... but the whole past year the pain went further. So I stoped to do things I like, like practice yoga because of the pain. A lots of doctors and lots of neurogical medicine and steroids, but nothing. Yesterday came to me nothern lights. I spent a magic night because i slept peacefully almost like when I received my steroids dosis but better!!! Before felt sleep I was feeling very very happy and laughing at loud just because I was watching tv... No need to say that I suffered with insomnia because of the pain. Well today I woke up fresh like a lettuce. I feel so grateful about finding this!!! Since a lot of time ago I feel in the mood to practice yoga again because there’s no pain over there!!!! Right now this is my favorite strain!