
member since 2018

Recent Reviews6 total


I am ADHD and strains tend to not act as expected. Cannatonic is reliably mellow, leaving me relaxed, happy, and functional. It doesn't bury pain in a wrapping of cotton, but enhances morale which helps on it's own level. Cannatonic - like Harlequin - is a great variety to load up on CBD before using some of the heavier indica - though I have found Pure Kush to mix poorly. Cannatonic is an outstanding starting point for anyone. Pay attention to the THC/CBD ratio of what you purchase. Go for the CBD that is at least 10x higher than THC.


I am ADHD and so strains tend to not act as expected. Skywalker has proven to be very gentle for me though. Very nice mellow cerebral buzz without a lot of brain light show. It is very relaxing without couch lock. I've found this variety to be excellent for playing music. For combating insomnia, a couple of hits after heavy high-CBD use (Harlequin) is excellent. If you are ADHD, be careful with the dosing. This is a fairly heavy indica and a little too much will light up my brain and make sleep unattainable.


I am ADHD and so varieties tend to act unexpectedly for me. Harlequin is excellent. The high is very mellow and relaxing. Pain relief is good - not great like the heavy Indicas, but it leaves me very functional. Enhancing morale vs wrapping the pain in cotton. In general, Harlequin acts as a moderator for the effects other varieties - such as Cherry Kush or Skywalker. This is an outstanding daytime variety for me and is a great starting point for folks new to cannabis. Pay close attention to the THC/CBD ratio. Harlequin should be at least 10x higher in CBD than THC.

Cherry Kush

I am ADHD and strains tend to not react as expected. Cherry Kush has become my go-to for both pain relief and for combating the insomnia with which I am plagued. For me, it is particularly enhanced when using high CBD strains such as Harlequin, Cannatonic, or Harle-Tsu along with the Cherry Kush. The high is quite mellow and pleasant. Full body relaxing but no couch-lock.

Pure Kush

I am ADHD and so varities tend to not work at expected. Pure Kush works very well for pain management and for insomnia as long as it is not combined with other strains. It does not play well with others. I have found that use of high CBD varieties such as Harlequin in conjunction with Pure Kush leave my brain highly energized and sleep doesn't happen. If you are ADHD and considering Pure Kush, approach it carefully for it is strong.

Kosher Kush

If you are ADHD like me, then this is a strain with which you should be careful. Four good hits from a Select cartridge was the dose about an hour before bed time. Effects were greatly heightened awareness of sound and tactile sensation. Though I was very sleepy, my brain was highly energized with lots of cerebral space bending. I had to do the ground pepper trick at one point. It was a sleepless night and a miserable next day. I'll try it again, but just a very small amount and maybe with something high CBD.