
member since 2013

Recent Reviews2 total


I have tried LA lady, harlequin, king kush, bubba kush & cheese master kush. King kush is the only one that helps me. It subtly eases some pain, but makes me a little spacey w/very little anxiety. It does help me cope with my 24/7-30yr pain battle with fibro ( just a name but so much more complex disease) lots of different pain and other symptoms. You feel like someone is beating you with their fists nonstop. Then there's the allodynia of which no dr. Seems to have knowledge of. That's when your skin is so hypersensitive the hair on your arms is irritating, Sheets are irritating, lose clothing or the lightest touch makes you cringe and cry out. This is the worst. My feet feel like they've been stung by bees all the time and my arms feel like they are covered in paper cuts. After 30 yrs., I'm surprised I'm not locked up in a loony bin. The harlequin magnified my pain to an in bearable level. I was considering going to the er if it didn't calm down. It also made my legs very weak and trembly. All I could do was lie down. I had to take medication to put me to sleep to get over it. So far, I don't trust anything but king kush but it doesn't do much for the pain, just helps me tolerate it with less stress. Because I have had such non- stop intense pain for so many years, my coping skills are worn out and the stress is causing problems of its own. I'm 66 and hope to find some relief soon lest I get put in a nursing home.

Bubba Kush

I took 1 tiny hit to try it out and just felt a buzz and then stoned but no relief for my pain.