
member since 2018

Recent Reviews9 total

Fresh Dispensary

I am a new medical card holder. My anxiety was through the roof both ordering and heading over for pickup. As soon as I got there and talked to some of the staff, I was so much calmer. They are so friendly, welcoming and professional. I tried two different strains, and no I'm not going to nitpick about their small selection, I'm ok with that right now. Both products I chose are AMAZING. Since this was my first time EVER at a dispensary, I'm pleased with the outcome. Will I try other places out of curiosity and to test more variety? Yes, I just might. But I am overall VERY pleased with my Fresh experience!

Banana Kush

They aren't lieing when talking about an easy buzz and relaxed. You don't feel it at first but after a few minutes, it hits. Hits is too strong of a word, it gently blankets you in a cloud of blissful relaxation but keeps you aware and even a little refreshed. I'm up and moving, talkative yet completely stress free. This strain doesn't seem to make me drowsy, that's a plus to be able to smoke it during the day and still function normally. I do vape this strain, so the effects may differ from flower. I get the banana flavor when I smoke it, it's almost like a hint of banana and mild sweetness, then turns to a fruitier flavor. The smoke is light and wispy, burns the nose a little but nothing too drastic and still very nice. It's got 2 thumbs up from me!!

Tahoe OG

All around the taste is as most say; very earthy with hints of pine. There's an undertone though, it's almost like a fresh, early morning dew on the lawn... Gives a serene feeling. This is the type of flower I would smoke on a cool, summer night, swinging in a hammock. An easy, sedated feeling creeps up quickly but it's not overwhelming. You feel very chill, very mellow. And I wanna just... smile. This took away the pain in my back and the ache in my legs in a matter of minutes. I could just feel my muscles uncoil... anxiety from the day just slowly fading. When your mind is at a constant race, a constant analyzing mode, it's such a relief to be able to turn it all off and relax... I can't even properly describe the level of relief. Definitely a heavy hitter. Do not try to be productive on this, it's not happening. Absolutely love it!


So, this is a new one for me. Figured let's try it out. First, let's start with the smell. I love the smell! Its thick and woodsy with hints of sweet citrus. It almost reminds you of fresh pine but sweeter. The buds have a beautiful dark green color with hints of orange. The smoke has a thick taste as well, a bit peppery on the exhale but not unpleasant. You can taste the earthiness, but its fresh and extremely pleasant. I smoke for anxiety, so I'm not a heavy hitter. I prefer to allow it to take its course and slowly bring everything back down to normal. Which it did, 3 hits and 5 to 10 minutes in. I could really feel the tension in my shoulders ease. My mind was quiet... Let me tell you, that was a blessing. I was having a rough patch with my anxiety the past week and this was nice, to finally relax. Definitely in my top 5!

Platinum Kush

Lemon taste on the inhale with an almost peppery like after thought on the tongue as you exhale. Love it! The smoke is light and smooth. A nice gradual build of relaxation. You can feel the onset and you just ease right into chill mode. I had an extremely stressful 2 days when I first tried this, so it definitely hit hard but I was relaxed, finally. That was such a relief. I also noticed it was very helpful in assisting my meditation, it allowed thoughts to flow in a stress free state but none actually stuck. Afterwards I felt productive, I actually wanted to do things that I normally put off due to manic episodes and anxiety. I was even on the happy side of my mood. Later on, I wasnt overly groggy, but when I went to bed I drifted off with no issues.


Lovely, lovely strain! It's very uplifting and even makes me a bit on the thoughtful side. Definitely has relaxation effects but I'm not sluggish. I'm very calm and happy. The flower taste is very sweet with an earthy hint. And the smoke... oh, it leaves such a pleasant smell after, nothing too skunky. This is a must have for when I want to let my imagination run!

Grape Ape

Wonderful strain. Normally when I smoke flower forms I become very sleepy, no matter what strain (so far). This strain though, yes I was tired but it came more from the extreme relaxation it have me. I had almost forgotten what it felt like to have a full body relaxation and still feel be able to function. Well, to an extent, hehe. My anxiety melted away, my muscles untensed, that alone took the pain in my shoulder and back away, and I wasn't foggy headed. Fantastic strain!

Cherry Pie

First off, the taste is amazing. There's this sweet flavor that hits you with an almost tart undertone. But it's pleasant. I love the little boost I get from Cherry Pie. I feel relaxed and happy, with a little energy. Not too much, though, don't get me wrong but it's like a second wind... Not an adrenaline rush. There's no real crash I've noticed but with my hectic life the relaxation effect does help me sleep. This is definently in my top 5.

Sour Diesel

I tried this for the first time and I've never been so happy. The taste was smooth and still that familiar earthyness. I have an issue with most buds making me sleepy while taking away my anxiety and pain. Normally not an issue, however sometimes I like to be up an moving too. I was up and happy and.... I just felt like a normal functioning person. No depressed thoughts, no stress and I was a pleasant person... No sleepiness! Yay! Definitely love this!