
member since 2015

Recent Reviews14 total

Emerald Triangle Dispensary- Medford

It was a very smooth experience from beginning to end ... there is not any pressure to purchase anything ... and the staff seems very informative about the products.

Sour Diesel

Am so super pleased with this strain. Have used it on and off for three years and sometimes forget how helpful it is with anxiety and depression. Recently there was an amazing sale/discount on it at Breeze Botanical ... thank you so much Breeze Botanical ... even from the moment the package was opened one knew it would be a good experience. I have never bought such good smelling bud. I have smelt very good smelling bud but this package for whatever reason was by far the best I have ever gotten ... the effect was almost immediate and made for a more relax experience being outside ... took a walk ... got back and ate a most delicious and much needed meal and then unfortunately laid down (not a good idea after eating) and had some pretty deep insights before basically passing out on the floor ... didn't even see this sleep coming ... finally. :o)

Gummy Bears

This is a surprisingly intense flower. The three times it has been ingested ... it has hit slowly but then comes on quite hard and then goes into a very intense experience verging on an internally psychedelic experience. It also brings on sleep rather quickly as it wears off. Not a casual bud for my person, but much appreciated.

Blue Moon Rocks

Since I am unable to locate the original BLUE MOON I am putting the review of the BLUE MOON I recently purchased at BREEZE BOTANICAL: 2015 09.14 - 10:38pm: BLUE MOON - THC 18.14% CBD: 06% Indica Hybrid (not sure if it is sun grown) Finally BLUE MOON showed up again … and it’s almost a FULL MOON two more nights! It couldn’t be more perfect timing. Was a bit stressed and just took a puff. It’s 10:38pm at night. It seems it is a social high and am finding that instead of doing a NATIVE BEATS writing I am checking out chat rooms. It is coming on slow but strong and I didn’t take a big hit. Nice. http://www.thinkwilder.com/blog/this-week-in-psychedelics-9916 Sometimes I just want to talk. It’s a strange thing and it doesn’t come up often and I don’t mean with vocal chords. But I do miss the chitchat sometimes. Just babbling. Not really but kind of. They are planning on making KRATOM illegal. Figures. Fuckers. Geez you find something that makes life a bit more enjoyable and they fucking slap a label on it that can send you to fucking prison! Really? Yes Really. We live in a complete insane asylum. Heh! I am probably not going to buy it illegally. I like that I could just go to the store and get something that helps but I doubt I will go out of my way to find this stuff. I have appreciated it for the time it has been here. Sing it for me Nelly: https://www.vevo.com/watch/nelly-furtado/All-Good-Things-(Come-To-An-End)-(US-Version)/USUV70702625 I just Danced to about 5 Nelly Furtado songs as they kept playing one after the other and this bud is not bad for making the body move. Nelly’s a neat character … great voice … completely unique sound and she has such gorgeous eyes. I really don’t notice eyes all that often … just a handful in this life have stood out as Amazing … the kind of eyes you just can’t not notice and hers are one of them. I rate this bud pretty high still (heh … pretty high still) I am searching for “The Love Bud” but I don’t think you can buy it in a store. I haven’t had any for a long time but it was/is a bud that is well loved on. When you buy it from a store … it’s not … it lacks the Love … it’s just not Love Bud if you know what I mean. There’s some Weed that’s like smoking a hit of ecstasy. That’s what I mean. It is bud that some one tenderly cared for … they Loved The Bud and so their Love is in the Bud. It’s not the same as store bought, but you get the idea. Maybe it was a once in a lifetime thing. Who knows I haven’t come across any like it before or since so wah! However Blue Moon is a decent bud to sort of put the mind at ease, the body relaxed from it and the fear and tension that had been going on seemed to dissipate quite a bit.

White Fire OG

This is a very nice high … also the chemistry in this body has shifted significantly and is affected differently. It was an insightful high … heart opening and trust allowing space. Did get drowsy but had already been very tired and this may have just pushed things over the edge. I will try it again later tonight and see. Later: It is an enjoyable herb. It is very insightful but tends to focus more on the EGO than GOD wrote the following while on it: “White Fire is insightful looking into the ego but really you could just skip over ego insights as they are just a distraction from True Reality; Stillness.” “Whenever I go out in Nature and absorb it, the GOD EYES get clearer; it can be seen in the mirror.” “I don’t belong in a city; will go completely bonkers. Ashland is great but it still is a huge difference energy wise from living in Etna. Medford is “too city; it takes so much and requires lengthy recharges after going there. Once in a while is fine but could not handle long or lengthy periods of time there.” “Humans don’t know how to care for one another. If they can’t fix or get rid of you then they sweep you under the carpet (i.e. prison system/mental hospitals).” “Water trees … fruit trees and berry bushes … whenever you can and wherever you are … even if it is just a drop. Life gives Life. You are always giving to your Self.” Although it didn't offer the deep hits associated with PURPLE HINDU or JACK HERER ... it is still an enjoyable experience and I did get drowsy both times it was ingested unlike what the effect of say some of the Sativa Lemon strains.

Purple Hindu Kush

This can be a very intense strain ... it has offered deep and powerful insights and also has been extremely helpful with falling asleep. Here is one example that was written down after taking a puff of PURPLE HINDU KUSH: Had almost forgot but then remembered while pulling this document up that Yesterday it came up that “I” died ... to mark it as a "death date.” I didn't understand anything that was happening in fact there was nothing happening ... Which is why you can't explain it but as things came back into focus (as a way to describe) it kept coming up to make sure to remember the date and it was actually said (though not with a voice) over and over 7/7/16 ... Usually things like that happen after waking from a dream ... Certain things are remembered and imprinted on the brain ... Sort of flash a bunch of times to "remember" and I almost didn't even this amazingly Profound thing that happened that didn't happen. It wasn't like anything ever before. It wasn't like the "death in yoga" that happened that one night where I was there and then I wasn't ... Because I was aware the whole time yesterday but I wasn't aware as "myself" I was just aware ... In the yoga thing "I" completely wasn't and then was. This time "I" wasn't but something was (that is not a thing) ... then "I" reappeared but more as a memory tool ... As a way to remember something that isn't a thing. This all happened after a puff of Hindu Kush ... Which is a very profound smoke ... It is not like any other I have smoked it has very different attributes and each time I smoke it ... In the middle of the intensity a thought will appear: "What is going on!" And the reply: "PURPLE HINDU KUSH" I swear no lie ... It's just like what would happen with JACK HERER smoke but completely different experience only the answer would be: JACK HERER not HINDU KUSH.

Morning Star

2016 02.24 - Wednesday - 5:45pm: Couldn’t sleep was very tired but couldn’t sleep. Asked for some pot that wouldn’t keep me up like JACK HERER does but wouldn’t make the head hurt like HARLEY MANDALA. I had forgotten all about MORNING STAR and brought it into The Decompression Chamber and grinded some up, packed a bowl and wrote the following after taking two hits: MORNING STAR: Batch #: 151112 THC: 15.20% CBD: 0.42% Grown in Shady Cove OR. MorningStar Weed is smooth to the throat going down. It seems to come on strong from just two hits deeply ingested. Insights: “We don’t exists but it doesn’t matter.” :o) “Enjoy what Isn’t!” (heart) “A Pirate taking a college class Does that not seem complete incongruent! I love it!” “It doesn’t matter who I am.” Words don’t ever really touch on insights … however those were some pretty refreshing one’s here … it was all about letting go … letting go of understanding … it was so obvious that none of this is real … only imagination … whose imagination doesn’t matter … if one is supposed to KNOW something they will KNOW. You don’t have to ever worry about who you are. Everything can be taken so lightly when you discover none of this ever happened. It’s not making it up that it never happened … it is revealed it never happened. What we call “real” is actually what is made up! And what we think is make-believe “GOD” is the only Reality. It is so amazing … but to who you ask? YES … Exactly. I don’t even remember falling asleep. I woke up deeply rested … had hoped to be up at 12am and couldn’t tell for the life of me what time it was but I probably fell asleep shortly after 6pm last night because the last time I saw a clock it was 5:45pm. I must have needed the sleep.

Jack Herer

I know I already reviewed the JACK HERER strain but I am coming back to do it again and give it a 5 Star rating as I have smoked it two more times which quite dramatic results: aid down but couldn’t fall asleep … laid in The Decompression Chamber for Meditation and then after smoked a bowl of JACK HERER WEED. I had turned off all the Gadgets thinking I would fall off to sleep but instead I had some of the most intense insights I’ve had in a long time … maybe ever … but I had shut all the Gadgets off and there was nothing to write with and I couldn’t believe I wasn’t getting up to write these things down but I could barely move the body out of the position of lying there on the bed. All I remember … which I also remember from the last time I puffed a bowl of JACK HERER WEED (which was right before going to see see that HOUSING MARKET MOVIE … BIG SHORT) and what I remember from both times is my saying to myself: “What is going on?” “JACK HERER” “Really?” “JACK HERER WEED IS NO JOKE.” That was from last week and then last night it came up exactly the same … even in the state I was in … there was a questioning of what was going on and a responding: JACK HERER. JACK HERER WEED IS NO JOKE: As clear as day … there was no doubt that what was going on was JACK HERER. But there is no way to explain what was going on either time … all that remains is that it is very intense … extremely deep insights (that if you don’t get up and write down are taken from you). I really thought I wouldn’t forget them even though at the same time I knew I would.

Jack Herer

Not only did this strain offer up insight but also pointed me towards the "namesake" of this hybrid who is a very fascinating man ... leaving an amazing legacy of life behind him. I have to smoke it again to give a more accurate account as I didn't have time to jot down the effects but will during future use.