
member since 2018

Recent Reviews2 total

5th Element

Started off the night of with a few hits of Blue Dream; then I hit Fifth Element and all my neurons turned subleem! Oops! Did I just say "subleem"? Shoot dude, I just mean sublime. My life is like whipped cream (sublime). And I can make em scream (oh my!) And I put on my wings (fly-by). And I be "bye-bye" when SpongeBob say "Ay! Ay" I'm hella hella high, high! Fella, fella bye-bye!! (PUT THIS IN YOUR BODY!!!)


Easily the worst experience of my life. I smoked like 1/8th of ONE hit from a Timeless vape cartridge and I fucking died. Not physically, but spiritually: I fucking died. I couldn't see or hear, and the only light my eyes could register was entire sheets of color; that is to say that, in a moment, EVERYTHING was yellow. In another moment, EVERYTHING was navy blue. So on and so forth. Shapes didn't exist and every line was erased, leaving only these blank sheets of color. Blackness, gray, no light. Vomiting--lots of it. I forgot how words worked and I didn't have a body or identity or soul or name or anything. There was this impossibly large, towering silhouette of a woman and I think she was death or some form of obliteration. Then the colors were sentient. I slowly started coming back. Words began to make more sense. Dizzy. More vomiting. Hard to breathe. Movement was like watching stop-motion animation. I asked my girlfriend to spray me with water from a squirt bottle. I was afraid of drinking water, but forced myself to do it. More difficulty breathing. I dumped my water in my head. I could see shapes and faces and labels on bottles once more. I needed to lay down. My bed felt like it was covered in sand. I listened to the Skyrim soundtrack and it helped to calm me down. Salt & pepper chips and Ben & Jerry's ice cream helped to bring me back. The worst part of the high lasted about 30 minutes and I stayed high for at least 4 hours. I still feel surreal the next day. Fuck this shit: I'm outtie.