Divine Storm
This is a smooth strain. The effects were pretty quick.
Type of High
Head; light band around forehead but head also felt slightly bigger, pressure behind eyes went down
Body; over all relaxing, big pain help
Taste; Earthy Pine on inhale, Spicy Sweet (those cheap 50c bag of spice drops) on exhale
Positives; Effects set in quickly, Min lung irritant, ++ Pain Relief, Lower Stress
Negatives; Low dry mouth, tongue felt a bit off
Pos/Neg; Focus Locked (I could focus on one thing w/o OCD getting in the way but still switch focus if needed), Touchy feely (If you have a fur baby petting the fur is more fun), a bit of time dilation.
So far feel this is a good strain for after a long week, sit back smoke some of this between sips of whatever drink relaxes you most.