
member since 2016

Recent Reviews16 total


I finally was able to get this strain online and after reading some reviews I ordered it. It looks greenish/grey and smells nice. I coyld not detect pineapple in the smell. It crumbles relatively easy. When smoking it the taste definitely reminds me of pineapple with a slight strawberry undertone. The high is fantastic. Shortly after inhaling I felt a body stone and thought ok, is this it?*I then decided to smoke the whole joint and the stoned feeling became really heavy. It felt like a good batch of northern lights. 5 minutes later a very clear head high came up which resulted in a total feeling of peace and happyness. I was couch locked but still wanted to do all sorts of things. One of the things I liked was the 'I don't give a f### attitude I had. I was careless, felt lazy, relaxed, happy and focussed at the same time. It didn't give me munchies, but I really wanted something sweet to drink. Watching a movie or listening to music is great with this strain. I also recommend it for anxiety, ocd, adhd and probably also bi-polar. I had a painful jaw and that almost completely dissapeared after smoking, so I can also recommend it for pain. After 4 hours the effects wore off and I just felt sleepy. If you develop some tolerance it may be a great daytime strain to make it a perfect worry free day. When smoking it the first few times, it's definitely a strain to have a great evening/night after a day of hard work. Without a doubt 5 stars.


O didn't expect much from Skywalker, since ot wasn't that expensive, but damn was I wrong. After 2 hits I felt a noxe sativa high amd short thereafter I felt my body relax. Ot wasn't overwhelming yet, so I smoked my entire joint. With every inhalation I felt more stoned. The high made me lazy amd I just wanted to eat amd watch YouTube. It was that typical high without worries with a subtile hint of euphoria. The taste is a bit earthly and the smoke is smooth. I recommend this strain for just a lazy nigjt alone, but when used for medical purposes, it will help with depression amd anxiety too, however the first 2 minutes of the high you may experience some paranoia. It's not so bad and passes. If you have ADHD, or are captain manic, this strain will probably help you too. Give it a try id you run across it.

Sour Diesel

Sour Diesel is a very pleasant strain. The smell is a bit hazy. When smoking it, the smoke is smooth and the taste os actually nice. It's sour with in the background a subtle hint of diesel. The effects can be noticed almost immediately. The high is not extreme in a way that it makes you wasted. Instead you feel calm, clear-headed, focussed and overal just happy. Although it definitely has a sativa feeling, it doesn't make you nervous or anxious. Your thoughts are ordered and there is a lot of creative juice. You will get the munchies, but it's controllable. It's a perfect daytime strain, but smoking it before bed is no problem either. I was able to have a nice nap. It's definitely a go to for people with anxiety, depression and adhd. If you just like to feel good and relaxed while still able to perform, this is definitely a strain to try. I gave it four stars because there are more potent sativas, but they come with anxiety and a more wasted feeling. But don't underestimate Sour Diesel! Give it a try if you can.

White Widow

This was my very first weed ever. Making me feel euphoric, careless, nostalgic, hungry and after some initial anxiety very calm. That initial anxiety was because I wad new to it and it was overwhelming. This was in 2001. I used to snoke it often after that first experience and it mever let me down. Recently I found this one on the coffeeshop menu after trying lots of other strains. It was like a deja-vu after smoking. A little anxiety, immediately suppressed by venlafaxine. Then nothing... and 5 minutes later I was in la-la-land. Feeling very happy, my worries were gone and my whole body felt like a giant pudding. This weed may not the the strongest after trying other strains, but it is dedinitely not weak. For beginners I recommend low dosing. The eddect lasts for a good 2 hours amd it seems you barely develop tolerance to this strain. It's an all-rounder suitavle for depression, anxiety, creativity and it makes sex awesome. If you smoke too much it may cause discomfort and you may have a hangover the next day. Beware and enjoy !

Purple Elephant

I had a variation on purple elephant, called blue elephant. However this cross between blue cheese and purple elephant are definitely comparable in effect. It tastes like... well any sort of indica I guess. To me all strains just taste like weed. The high was nice, but it didn't last long. It is a very soothing high. It's best to smoke this strain alone or with your girlfriend. Besides makimg you feel tranquilized, it also makes you hungry and horny. Definitely have nice food at hand and some fao-materual, or your girlfriend. I think this weed is a great anxiety killer and aphrodisiac. All these effects go along with an overall happy feeling. The only real cons for me are the duration of the high and the high price. For the rest I can recommend it to anyone who likes indicas.

Bubble Gum

Smoked this one with a hookah. It's a nice smelling strain and smokes very smooth. I could not really detect bubble gum in it, but the high was an awesome bubble. I felt so stoned I just had to sit down amd I got very relaxed. Then some euphoria kicked in which is rare in combination with my antidepressant. I just closed my eyes and listened to goa-psy-trance. In my mind I went back to the summer of 2003 which was a tropical one. All the good menories made me smile. Later on I watched YouTube and laughed at some crazy stuff. After a high of 3 hours I felt tired and went to sleep. A very impressive strain, capable of crushing anxiety and deoression. Perfect for a lazy day and the evening.

Lavender Haze

I don't know if it's me, or just a bad batch, but my first impression is that it costs a lot of money for an overrated strain. For as far as I can call it a high, the effect kicks in immediately. It feels kind of relaximg. Unfortunately I miss a hazy feeling, which you woyld expect from this strain. I recommend spending money on a diffetemt strain.

Power Plant

Got this nice strain from my online coffeeshop for a good price. It has a strong smell and after a while the whole room will smell like it. This little naughty plant is tough on the lungs and you will cough like crazy. The effect hits immediate and is clearly a sativa high. You will feel uplifted and overall haooy eith a clesr mind, but taking toi much may be a bit intoxicating. Despite the sariva traits of this strain it also has some calming properties. That way you can sit back and sort all the creative juices flowing through your brain. To me it's not the strongest sativa, but it gets things done and as many say it's perfect for daytime use.

Northern Lights

Disclaimer: I use medicines combined with weed. The effect a strain has on me may be totally different for someone else. Also talk to your doctor or do some research on internet before combining medicines with weed. Used in this trip: Venlafaxine 225mg 1/dd Clonazepam 0.5mg 3/dd Olanzapine 2.5mg 1/dd Nortgern Lights 0 2 gr smoked in a shisha with cherry tobacco The trip: I rememver awesome times with tgis strain. It always sent me to a happy place in the past. Years went by abd now tge online coffeeshop I buy from has it. When I received it I couldn't be happier. I'm currently tapering off of Olanzapine and I need a strong indica to calm me down since anxiety is crazy. The first joint I smoked gave minimal effect. I was dissapointed that the olanzapine obviously was blocking some receptors in my brain. Then I tried it in my shisha. At first I felt nothing. Then after 15 minutes the stuff hit me like the titanic. The anxiety was destroyed and replaced with inner peace. I still had some negative thoughts but didn't care. Colours looked intense and music sounded delicuous. I got horrible munches and while smoking more from the shisha I became wasted. I also became horny and decided to do a nice camsession with my "friend-with-benefits". It was awesome. I felt slight euphoria taking over. I kept having the feeling my head was loose from my body. Then I decided to watch a movie and I laughed my ass off. The trip lasted 3 hours. I have a huge tolerance for weed and usually need strong sativas to trip but Northern Lights never dissapointed me before. Tgisvold school strain is serious stuff, but it sends you to very nice places. It beats kushes anytime. Try it yourself if yoy can !

Big Buddha Cheese

This will be my last review for 2016. I had rhis strain before, but had no time to write a decent review. Disclaimer: I use psychiatric medication for a serious anxiety dissorder. This has direct influence on how weed works for me. I do not recommend combining psychopharma without talking to your doctor, or at least doing some research. Ingredients for this trip: -Olanzapine 5 mg 1x/dd -Venlafaxine 225 mg 1x/dd -Clonazepam 0.5 mg 3x/dd -Big Buddha Cheese. 0.5 gr smoked with tobbaco in a joint This strain smells very strong. A combination of grapefruit and cheese. The buds are big and dense and are kinda hard ro crush. The taste matches the smell and is easy to smoke. The high kicks in after 5 minutes and builds up. Iny case I first felt the immediate urge to take a nap for an hour. I set my alarm and just gave in to the sleepiness. I woke up very relaxed and had some difficulties walking, although not as much as with a sativa strain like dominator. I took a nice cild red bull and went to visit my parents, where I am right now. I feel lazy, still relaxed and pretty happy. I can function well, but I'm definitely glad we don't have a lot of visit. This stuff makes me less talkative and I feel like enjoying it alone is the best thing. BbC doesn't make you super hungry, but food definitely tastes better. I wish you all a happy, healtht 2017. And if you can get this strain (which shouldn't be too hard ( then take some home to enjoy a nice, calm and happy trip.