
member since 2019

Recent Reviews8 total

Sour Diesel

This strain was what I had expected of a sativa-dominant type like this. Sour Diesel, in most respects, was a lot like Alaskan Thunder Fuck: a strong high, but not very isolating and no paranoia. I vaped some of this on the deck of my cottage and as I tried to go back in, I briefly forgot how to open the door. I figured it out and walked in. The feeling came up pretty fast and gradually got more intense (the peak reached after around 20 minutes or so). The high was also easily controllable; it felt as though I could jump in and out of reality. I spent my time watching the Anime Fruits Basket (2019) but unfortunately kept zoning out and/or falling asleep thanks to the effects of the strain, so I had to keep going back to where I lost focus. This isn't why I'm giving it 4 stars, though. I didn't give it the last star because it wasn't a very "euphoric" high like ATF. I was happy and calm, but nothing much other than that (ATF had me smile constantly). Normally I wouldn't mind this if I wanted to do work or something, but I found it hard to focus on anything without either zoning out or falling asleep. Overall, a solid strain and good for beginners or higher who are looking for a relaxing head high without a couch lock.


I had a square from a Eu4ria Extractions chocolate bar (10mg) late morning and an hour or so later I felt very upbeat. Only a mild high, but found that my mood was elevated and I had more energy. I went out to get a haircut then came back and watched some Anime. The high didn't last too long (around 3-4 hours), but no complaints about that. A good strain which is ideal for beginners (in small amounts, I suppose) if you want to be uplifted, cheerful and focused. Best for when you want to sort of get some work done or exercise. I will definitely have this again.


I vaped some of this at around 10 pm or so. It took some time to kick in. When it did, I felt a feeling of euphoria. However, that feeling was shortly replaced by a couch lock (or a bed lock in my case). My mind sort of went fuzzy and I couldn't type properly. This was a very unique high. I put on my headphones and decided to watch Avengers: Endgame. As I started the movie, I heard what I thought was my blender running. However, it was just some background noise in the movie. I decided to take my headphones off and watch it with the built-in speakers. I felt quite cold (despite it was summer and I had no AC in my room), so I put a blanket over me. This caused me to feel both hot and cold (if that's even possible). Shortly, I couldn't feel my body at all and quite suddenly, a mild paranoia hit. This didn't last very long, though, and there was no anxiety with it. I also found this high quite isolating (unlike Alaskan Thunder Fuck and Blissful Wizard). I felt like I was in a cocoon drifting in some higher-dimensional space. I got up to get some water but felt gravity multiply. It wasn't unpleasant, though; just went to show the strong effects of the strain on the body. Overall a great experience which was very relaxing and body-focused. Definitely not for beginners, though. The only reason I have given it a 4/5 instead of the full 5/5 is that this high didn't last very long (about an hour or so). Otherwise, a great strain which I'd be willing to try again soon.

Blissful Wizard

I will start off by saying that this is the nicest-smelling weed I've ever encountered. It has a very sweet and piney smell to it which reminds me of Christmas. Anyway, I vaped a bowl of this with my FireFly 2+ vaporizer (so around 0.15g) while on a call with a friend and didn't feel anything. I told him that I was disappointed so I packed another bowl and vaped that. I started to sort of feel the high, but it wasn't heavy so I was still disappointed. I was on my bed still chatting with my friend and I stared at the ceiling. All of a sudden, I entered a state of heavy psychosis where I didn't know who or where I was. It felt like I was in another room. Indeed I was paranoid, but surprisingly there was NO anxiety. In fact, it was pretty euphoric. Once I got back to reality(?), I walked around my room when all of a sudden I found myself back in bed, realizing I never actually walked around. It was around this time when another friend called, so I answered him. He was asking how the high was and I told him that I didn't know what in the hell was going on. I said I could travel back in time by visiting my memories. I closed my eyes and he told me to imagine we were playing basketball. It felt very real, but it wasn't hallucinogenic; rather it was more "simulated" in my mind. I asked him where to aim the basketball and made the shot. I opened my eyes and told him I was back. Later on, I closed my eyes and "explored the universe". As I explored, I could see every memory I have represented by large LED screens. I could fly towards them if I wanted to visit them; I found however that some memories were harder to visit than others. I had some fun with this for a bit and later on, my friend hung up. I decided to watch some Brooklyn Nine-Nine on Netflix. The high started to die down after 2 hours or so, by which point I decided to go to bed. As I fell asleep, I felt myself falling and then experienced a hypnic jerk. I didn't find this so scary, but it took me by surprise. I slept soundly after this, waking up in the morning still feeling somewhat sleepy. Overall, this is my favorite strain by far. It provides a very intense high with a nice feeling of euphoria. A good strain if one wants to reflect on their memories and enjoy moments in their past they can't enjoy anymore. However, I would definitely recommend this strain for advanced consumers as the psychosis can potentially be scary if unfamiliar. The high will (or may) creep up on you, so be patient and don't underestimate it.

Alaskan Thunder Fuck

I vaped some ATF late in the morning. As I did, I could feel the effects hit almost instantly. After it hit, I went for a boat ride with my dad and brother. During this time, the high's intensity gradually increased. The high wasn't very "isolating" as some other strains are. It felt as though I was one with nature as I admired the lake, forests and cliffs around me. I couldn't stop smiling. My dad asked if the high enhanced the experience, but I couldn't respond as I was in my own thoughts. We slowed down after a while; a minute later, I felt like Play-Doh. I used this time to reminisce about high school and it felt like I was actually there; this was very pleasant. After we got back to our cottage, I watched a movie with my brother and then had a shower. After the effects wore off, I got tired and took an hour-long nap. I woke up feeling very happy and refreshed. ATF is ideal if you want a pleasant mind-high where you can swim in your thoughts and/or appreciate surrounding nature without getting hungry. Be aware though that you may find yourself tired after the effects wear off (this might have just been me, though). I recommend this strain to intermediate-level consumers or higher as it takes some (but not much) experience to handle it.

Blue Dream

Good-tasting strain and a nice, relaxing high. This was the first time I vaped flower (as opposed to smoking it) and I must say that the experience was very smooth. I took around 6 or so draws and felt nothing happen initially. However, the high crept up on me 5-10 minutes later and I went into a state where I felt slightly isolated. I paced around the TV room for a few minutes (feeling like I was in a 5-dimensional space) and then proceeded to watch Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone with my brother. I found some bits funnier than they actually are in the movie, but that's to be expected when stoned. The high began to wear off around halfway into the movie and this made me feel like I just woke up from a relaxing sleep. I then cooked some steaks for dinner. I definitely recommend this strain for beginners as it induces no anxiety or paranoia; just a relaxing experience.

Master Kush

The first time my friend gave me some of this, I was pretty interested to give it a try. When I did (a joint), I found that the cough was quite harsh, but I've had harsher. After the first few pulls, I felt that I had enough. However, I forced myself to finish the joint anyway in order to fully feel the effects. It took a couple of minutes, but when I felt it... oh boy. I texted my friend about the experience, saying that I felt like I was "the manager of the universe". It was as though I was Dr. Strange about to encounter Dormammu in the Dark Dimension. I found that the high didn't induce paranoia but was still very strong, which was the best part. When on my bed for a few minutes, I couldn't feel my body. It felt as though I was floating on a sea bed which was swirling and carried my body around. I definitely recommend this strain to everyone.

Cannalope Haze

I smoked this with a buddy of mine and it was his first time smoking weed. I got some of the Cannalope Haze from another friend who I have smoked with a few times prior. I like to know what I smoke beforehand so that I can associate any interesting feelings I get during the high with the strain. I didn't know what Cannalope was before trying it but realized that I underestimated its potency. While smoking the joint (around half a gram), I got halfway through when my body told me it had enough. So I gave the remaining joint to my friend, who finished it. As we walked back across a field, I got halfway and forgot who I was or what in the world was happening. My body felt very "heavy" and so I tried jumping up and down to try and focus but to no avail. My friend didn't feel anything, but I was so paranoid that I needed him to help me get across the road back to my place. Afterwards, I went to my other friend (the one who gave me the Cannalope) because I needed to talk to him about the experience (the friend I smoked with went back to his place safely and took a nap). I lay down on his bed and my body felt like Jello. I was making conversation with him while he watched Game of Thrones, but couldn't actually make sense of what I was saying (just some gibberish). Shortly after this, I went back to my room to chill out and watch some Netflix. This was an interesting experience and the most intense high I've experienced so far.