
member since 2013

Recent Reviews2 total

Mr. Nice Guy

Great High! I smoked this with my friends and I had the BEST time. Loved the smell, I felt no cons while smoking. It tasted fine and I didn't mind the after taste. I was rediculously giggly. I'm very sensitive to marijuana, but I wasn't expecting that I'd wake up high the next morning. This was the best strain that I've ever smoked.

Blue Cheese

I'm not super experienced with smoking but out of all of the times I have smoked, this was probably my least pleasant high. I got an intense headache and the worst cotton mouth I've ever experienced in my life. I felt my throat closing up and I couldn't breathe! The smell was fine, but I'm happy it didn't linger on my clothes. And the after taste was gross. But after I took a big hit, I felt a sudden numbing sensation and literally in a split second,I was paralyzed. I fell into this awesome trance and I felt the vibrations of everything around me. But it was over in about 10 minutes. Although my "trip" was great, the cons of this strain make me doubt I'll try it Again.