
member since 2017

Recent Reviews11 total


Headbanger, aptly named because I banged my head on the desk in disappointment over this strain. What this strain offered me was a lousy lull of a high, I’m confident in the quality of my product, just not satisfied with the strain itself. Headbanger’s flavor is almost offensive and very off-putting, a sour musk with a tang but not that charming diesel smell/taste, no it’s like coffee breath and lemonhead candies got together and this was the result. The effects were so-so, I would argue it’s a slight head high that distracts you enough from minor aches but it’s not nearly potent enough to accomplish what other strains do better. Should you come across Headbanger, I say pass on it…and if it’s already in your possession? I’m sorry if you also end up banging your head like I did.

Rug Burn OG

Rugburn OG is a fascinating hybrid. The sativa effects give you a pleasant vibe, enough to surf on as the indica gives you that cushioned head space. I’d argue a large drawback for Rugburn OG is that if you’re already low on energy it’s going to be difficult fighting off the drowsiness. Of course, if you’re looking for that drowsiness you would consume this at night and sleep quite soundly. The aroma is extremely pungent, it has a sharp citrus smell that follows up with a slightly earthy note. The aftertaste can be off putting as Rugburn OG really adheres in your mouth which gives you what can be an overwhelming plant taste. Be prepared to stave off dry mouth (xerostomia) as I’ve found it to be the primary side-effect. In summary: A worthy hybrid that dual-wields the effects of euphoria and drowsiness. Give Rugburn OG a shot as it will be an excellent ‘benchmark’ for what a hybrid should feel like (in my opinion, of course).

Pineapple Express

Personally, I found this to be a weak strain. I've held off on this review for about a year because I wasn't sure if I was just not getting the most optimal use out of Pineapple Express but I've come to find that this one just isn't for me but could be for others. For me this is a bubbly high; it's like the light beer of the liquor world and that it takes a very large amount of it to get me feeling anything 'worthwhile'. However, Pineapple Express being a hybrid I do have to praise it for being precisely in the middle of that spectrum. The balance struck is perfect should one be looking for an afternoon delight as it should leave you in above moderate condition. Having the pleasure of enjoyed this through flower and vape carts I can firmly say that the flavor is incredibly tropically fruity. I'd argue a more banana taste over a pineapple one but it doesn't detract from the enjoyment. Tl;dr: A fine strain for a beginner or average user to get them through a light afternoon. Uplifting, subtle head high, and a soothing relaxation with a fruity hit to the taste buds. Not for me, but might be for you!


Gelato is a strain you come to respect very quickly because it's quite potent. An incredibly powerful euphoria was my experience and while it wasn't uncomfortable it wasn't what I was predicting. Personally, I found Gelato to be almost sickly sweet but due to the nature of the strain just a little bit of this goes an incredibly long way so if the taste wasn't a huge deterrent. I'd recommend that one consume under meditative/potato purposes; I wouldn't gamble on being able to function 100% after this one. Last, I can only recommend Gelato if you're looking to discover mental highs but otherwise I'd say this is a try and forget but remember later and maybe enjoy.

Dutch Treat

This is a 'chill' strain. Imagine it's the weekend, maybe a holiday, and you've got nothing or little to do but don't want your time to just snap away. Dutch Treat is a remedy for that exact situation. Simulating just enough to keep your brain titillated that I'd recommend treating it like a beer, 'sip' it, enjoy it slowly throughout the day because it's -that- kind of chill. Personally, this strain was all style (taste) and little substance (weak but acceptable high). Monitor yourself closely on Dutch Treat because if you're like me you will easily, perhaps too easily, consume more than you intended leaving you questioning where it all went.

Jack Herer

Jack Herer is my choice of strain when I need to be productive but still want that caffeine like buzz. You'll see a lot of others saying they take this in the morning and I'd recommend giving that a shot over the weekend first so you can find that sweet spot as being overly jittery at work can be a bit of a problem. The side-effects for me were nothing more than dry mouth. With such minimal side-effects I'd argue you should keep Jack Herer on hand for rocky mornings; it's a very effective medicine. Personally the smell and taste is a pungent earthy scent, like timber in my opinion which one shouldn't find too off putting considering what else is out there. Give this one a shot! You'll be satisfied at worst.

Curaleaf - Youngtown

It's been over a year and I can still say I'm extremely satisfied with Swell Farmacy. I personally frequent the Youngtown location and have never had a poor experience and I've never once felt I wasn't getting a genuine deal. The Youngtown dispensary is smaller and more compact but the variety and quality is all still there and even better is the staff. I've had a few instances where Swell went above and beyond for me and I've always felt welcome there. Last, I'd like to add that the sales they have are incredible at saving you a lot of money on quality product so keep a keen eye out and subscribe to their updates.


Delicious sweet smell to this strain. Tastes just as good as well. For me this was a pretty mild high but was energetic enough of one that I'd say this is something one could take safely throughout the day and not feel too zapped. I personally wasn't too impressed with this one but I'd recommend it if it's something you haven't tried and are looking for a staple sativa.

Great White Shark

This strain was an interesting one for me. Delivered a very potent energy but gave me a hefty crash in energy about an hour later. However, I will say the hour is pretty pleasant. For me it was a productive energy, not so much a 'socializing' feeling. The smell is also very interesting, I'd argue it smells very funky and cheesy. An almost offensive smell but it makes you want to smell it again. Overall, this isn't an impressive strain but it's a contender for a decent sativa.

Lemonhead OG

One of my favorite smelling and tasting strains! The citrus smell is amazing and the flavor goes right along with it. Not harsh to smoke and was pretty smooth overall. The high for me was pleasant and didn't at all inhibit my day. I'd recommend treating yourself to this at least once but be aware this strain will raise your standards...you may never go back.