this is a party strain something you wanna smoke before getting ready to do something like clean or workout or running errands all day its such a fun thing to smoke on a boring day
spenst a few months smoking nothing but this since I had to ration out my only cartridge I had gotten and it was my very first one too it was a flavored and tasted like candy and fruit every single time I smoked Gelato it gave me a happy feeling and I would spend hours talking and hanging out with my friends and sleep amazingly after the day was over it kind of left me dizzy and out of it the next day especially in the morning that may be due to my own mental health issues but this strain is a heavy hitter for me and has a long recovery time from it when it's over
I smoke one of these every night before bed typically nights before work or long shifts and it has me fresh and ready in the morning with a good focused mind on starting my day when I smoke it at night it helps me get straight to bed and sleep with no nightmares or tossing or turning it causes me to not have dreams but other then that any issues getting to sleep are gone and groggy mornings are gone as well