
member since 2020

Recent Reviews2 total


Fruity Pebbles OG has become a staple for my medical use. It hits me like a sativa-dominant hybrid when I smoke the flower; it hits me like a indica-dominant hybrid when I dab/vape[not carts] the concentrate. The flower makes me play like a god in Battlefield 1, yet is nice and mellowing. I find myself thinking like "damn he got me good, GG" instead of throwing the controller across the room (if you're one to do so). The concentrate makes me play a little worse -- as the focus/concentration of the head-high is not as strong and a little more couch-lock sets in -- but is really relaxing. Sometimes, I use FPOG for appetite loss; it doesn't make me hungry or give me the munchies, but if I use some concentrate, I can down a whole lot of food without getting nauseous (I wouldn't use this for appetite use personally, but I'm sure some will love FPOG for eating and it's a good substitute if you don't have anything better on hand). I will buy this strain *whenever* and *where ever* I see it. It's that good. If you see FPOG, do not pass it by. TL;DR: Flower is great for sativa properties [e.g. videogames, focus, happy-vibes] Concentrate is good for indica properties [e.g. eating, relaxing]

Golden Goat

I use cannabis as a [mainly] depression patient. Golden Goat helped take away lethargy; had me cleaning my room, kitchen, and bathroom; and can be used for videogames (however I recommend Fruity Pebbles OG for that). If you struggle with depression/motivation and want to get some chores/school-work done, try some of this strain. The bud's strongest scent is mint/peppermint; it's very aromatic. You will be sure to smell this minty strain while grinding. Smoking it gives off mostly earthy notes/tastes; vaporizing the dry leaf gives off more of the minty notes/tastes. I like this one, and plan on keeping it in my arsenal for focus, energy/motivation, and euphoria.