
member since 2013

Recent Reviews9 total

Kandy Kush

Very potent stuff! Smoked ONE blunt of this with 5 people, we were all baked for hours. Honestly, i cant remember that night too much, but this is the type of herb that leaves you satisfied. In terms of the effects, great balance of euphoric body high, with strong giggly mental effects, very good social weed. On the potent side, wouldnt recommend for lightweights, i lost my phone while off this and i couldnt remember for the life of me where i put it the next morning.


One of the most potent strains you'll find. For me this one is socially disabling, reminds me of green crack a bit. Veeerrryyyy intense buzz, can definitely be anxiety or paranoia inducing. Soaring high, instantly ramps up to crazy heights, then slowly tapers off, leaving you feeling like a new person. This one locked me in my own head, I smoked it hanging out with a few friends watching blue mountain state (stupid show btw), they were laughing but i was silent, partially because i was analyzing how dumb the show was, but also because i was trapped in the buzz. This is the type of herb i would smoke alone late at night, then listen to music/play games for hours till i realize its 4am.

Green Crack

Personally, when i smoked this, it gave me one hell of a ride. I took 2-3 big hits from a bowl at a party, and it pretty much rendered me socially inept. All i could do was sit back, look around, and experience the wild buzz it gave me. Definitely true to the name, this is some INTENSE stuff. My eyes were bloodshot red hours after smoking. I remember the dude who bought it said he thought it was laced lol, it wasnt but thats how strong it is. I also remember my friend who smoked this went psychotic for an hour or 2, he ripped the wall paper and punched the wall for no reason whatsoever. Again, true to the name. For me this strain lacks euphoria, so im not the biggest fan, but i bet if you smoked it with another good strain that wont bring it down (so no heavy indica's), you would have one hell of a high.


This is a strain thats hard to explain. The buzz alone would give this herb a 8-9, but for me what pushes it over the edge is its heavenly scent and appearance. the buds are both tight and fluffy, dense, but man that smell is something you never forget. Its a blend of spicy, light fruity/maybe blueberry, then piney, and this all comes together to make an unique, otherworldly scent. The same can be said for the high, very spacy, mentally it puts you in another dimension, and the body effect is one of a kind, i like to think of it as becoming one with the ocean. Any pain or mental stress you have will be eradicated by this.

Cotton Candy

Not especially potent, but it gets the job done. Its claim to fame is the nice, gentle but pervasive euphoria it gives. If your simply trying to feel good, without being dragged down or perked up, this is your strain. If you smoke a lot you could probably get an intense euphoric buzz, but in its essence, this is feel good weed.

Cinderella 99

One of my all time favorite sativas, next to ATF and satori. This is some wild stuff, the buzz is like sour diesel on steroids. Long lasting, euphoric sky high buzz, gives lots ov energy, best taken through a vape which will kick start your day like no other. In terms of mental effects, its not clearheaded at all, but not debilitating either. This is my wake and bake strain of choice, this is a strain everyone must try at some point.

Berry White

This is definitely some great medical herb. Very pleasant, clearheaded, somewhat euphoric/tingly high, VERY giggly. It just improves your mood a lot, I smoked this once and went to the movies (the end is near) with some buddies, I was laughing my ass off at everything. Just generally puts you in a good mood, the type of herb you could smoke after a long day of work. In terms of knock you on your ass/intense buzz, this isnt the strongest weed. If your looking to get waxed, you might wanna put this aside for more social/relaxed times, like a cookout or a walk on the beach.

Alaskan Thunder Fuck

One of my favorites. Gives a wonderful "choppy" effect, if youve ever played a game or watched a show with low fps, thats how i see it. Completely disables your brain, almost like alcohol, ive had times where 4 hours after smoking this i think im sober but im making stupid mistakes and I cant get my mind right. Really good high all around intense yet not anxiety inducing. This is some weekend/after work bud, I wouldnt smoke this if I had work to be done. Also on the comedown It leaves you pretty tired and gives killer munchies, which is either a good thing or a bad thing.


Possibly my favorite strain ever. I smoked it about a month ago but if i can remember, it pretty much disables you mentally. I remember my friend an I went to target after smoking this (cant recommend driving high off this stuff), we barely made it through because every 5 seconds we would burst out laughing for no reason. Great high, long lasting, somewhat clearheaded and very uplifting, PERFECT for a sativa fan it has everything you could want. If i could live with 3 strains, this would be one of them.