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Arise is becoming a very familiar and reliable friend to me. I have only had it as a concentrate crossed with other strains but the experience is consistent and it never slows me down. I cannot give a clear write-up on smell or flavor of the strain itself, but every cross I have tried usually carries a bit of a citrus flavor, something close to lemon Jelly Bellies and sometimes also some tropical sweet-tangy fruit flavors as well, one cross was very grape-y, another was more earthy with warm spice notes. Currently I am using a cross of Arise and Platinum Tangie, sugar wax concentrate. The dab is very smooth on the inhale, but on the exhale was kind of harsh, definitely had me coughing a bit. It is a spicy pollen flavor with those citrus and tropical backnotes. I have tackled all of my day's work and it's not even noon, (HUGE ask for an autistic adult with ADHD) that's off of one dab a few hours ago so it is definitely a buddy if you like to remain focused and productive. No brain fog as I can tell. The come-down is gentle, as the high dissipates, it takes much of my fatigue with it, and I'm left just feeling pretty good. If Arise comes to your area, definitely give it a go for your morning routine. Also great for micro-dosing throughout the day. Have something to drink available. I do not recommend it near bedtime, at least for me, my mind never shuts up and the effects of the strain exacerbate that if I don't have some activity to focus on.

Space Queen

I've had this from the cart. The flavor is a fruity, earthy taste very reminiscent of chamomile tea, but very fresh tea, intense flavor. The high came on within minutes and immediately lifted my mood, as well as eased some of the motion fatigue I had been feeling. I can't describe the smell it leaves in the room, but every time I got a whiff of the vapor it was much the same smell as the flavor, with that cannabis backnote being very mild. The effects last a good few hours and for me it was a very mellow come-down, rather than the "Okay I'll drop you off here." crash that I get from some hybrids. I still had the energy when the head/body high wore off. And on the other end of my day, it added more of a tingly mellowness and euphoria. The focus factor got a bit lost with me being off to bed soon and really not doing much but watching movies and having my dinner. On that note, munchies. Make sure you have a filling snack, and get something to drink, because this strain is fiercely hunger and thirst provoking. I recommend a cup of chamomile tea.

The Menthol

I bought this strain by the half ounce at the Flower Shop. I figured for $90 that's an awesome deal, though I was looking for higher potency sativas or hybrids. But for $90 I can stretch out a half ounce a couple weeks so I picked this up along with an eighth of The Machine. It is definitely a Crasher, albeit not the most potent one, I have, with one exception, gotten a good 6 1/2 to 8 hours of sleep a night since I've been smoking it. I come to find out though that it can be a workday buddy too, if I get a couple cups of coffee in me or a sugar free energy drink, that counteracts the drowsiness, then I'm just left with the focus and relaxation, and I'm not too high to do my job well. It won't replace a peppy sativa with similar benefits, I think, but my job is very repetitive and regular so maybe those who do more complex and dynamic work may want to avoid this strain until bedtime. Out of the bag the buds were soft and pillowy, still fluffy, a bit difficult to break up and grind. Out of the grinder and I get the indica skunkiness, almost a bit lemony for me, sort of dieselish, but I didn't smell any minty notes. There is a very slight note of natural mint in the dry herb vape, but it was more lemony, piney, with sort of a back note that tastes the way oil smells, if that makes any sense. A bit harsh in the bong when fresher, both flavor and harshness seem to mellow out as the buds get brittle and powdery. I have also tried it in a chillum and rolled, the former I do recommend, the latter gets harsh halfway and only worse from there. The vaporiser seems to be the way to go. So, good budget stretcher, definitely a mid-grade strain, the high is a little heavy but lasts all of 1-2 hours for me, and then I'm too relaxed to really want another one for a while. The economically minded may think of picking up an ounce or two to supplement their usual supply. Not as versatile as many other strains, but for the price it could become a go-to for the more relaxed hours.