Durban Poison
Greetings, fellow travelers,
This strain (dabbed wax) is sweet and clear. Much like the opposite of Donald Trump’s voice… or Gilbert Godfrey’s. This strain is also giving me that sativa sonic awareness. Sounds and textures stand out (but in a calm way). There is a sense of spaciousness in time (like when you’re stoned), but it doesn’t feel fuzzy/hazy. There is a great deal of mental clarity. Kind of like when you see the dialect unfolding and it all clicks and you actually take the time to look-up what the fuck “the bourgeoise” is and you’re kind of like, “hmm yeah, that checks out” and you can’t unsee it. And now you despise the bourgeoise for their excess and resent the dialectic for explaining the world to you. Damn you, material dialectic! I’d have been an idealist all my days if I’d never flirted with your maturity and been seduced by your wit.
Fuck I’m high.
—Commissar Eugene B Dabbs